The popularity of the Scandinavian style has only grown in the past few years. This is not surprising, because modern trends are moving towards min...
Tactile tiles are the main tool for implementing floor markings for visually impaired and visually impaired people. It is its use that is stipulate...
Today, there are many different options for sewer pipes, and pipes are sold in different materials. There are only four main types of pipes in tota...
Types and features of modern sofas for the homeWP_Post Object. ([ID] => 42964 [post_author] => 443 [post_date] => 11 January 2020 [post_da...
Stop the blues: 10 houseplants that banish depressionWP_Post Object. ([ID] => 42936 [post_author] => 442 [post_date] => 12 November 2019 [...
SHAREIN SOCIAL MEDIA FacebookTwitterOkGoogle+PinterestVkOwners of private households, in order to protect their homes from the penetration of unaut...
Delaying repairs by builders (contractors) is one of the most common problems in practice. Completion of work on the repair and decoration of housi...
The most demanded area where acts of completion (ATS) are most often used is the construction industry. These are not necessarily forms KS-2 and KS...
To perform plumbing work, electrical wiring, work on the heating device, installation of lamps and plumbing fixtures, you need to attract specialis...
Oct 19, 2021
The demand for housing in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, especially in the resort towns located on the Black Sea coast, has always...