Build days

Pool at the cottage with their own hands
Pool at the cottage with their own hands
Feb 10, 2018

Most summer residents have long perceived their "hacienda" not as a means of hard labor and survival, but as an opportunity to relax after...

Pond in the country with their own hands
Pond in the country with their own hands
Feb 10, 2018

Construction of a pond with its own hands will bring a pleasant variety, perhaps in any landscape. The presence of such a pond will allow plantin...

Alpinarium with own hands
Alpinarium with own hands
Feb 10, 2018

The idea of ​​creating a rock garden sooner or later visits many owners of houses and suburban areas. The real owner dreams not only to get a fas...

Determine the optimal size of the steam room for the bath
Determine the optimal size of the steam room for the bath
Feb 10, 2018

If you take a look at the history of the Russian bath, then it turns out that in the olden days( and now even here and there in the villages) the...

Homemade metal sauna stove - instructions for creating
Homemade metal sauna stove - instructions for creating
Feb 10, 2018

At the moment, the owners can equip their own bath with a wide variety of furnace designs, but the most popular are the wood-burning metal struct...

Foundation for a bath of blocks
Foundation for a bath of blocks
Feb 10, 2018

Bath refers to light structures, and in order to save, instead of a massive monolithic tape, you can build a foundation for a bath of blocks. Adv...

Stones for the bath. Characteristics, properties, recommendations for selection
Stones for the bath. Characteristics, properties, recommendations for selection
Feb 10, 2018

The sauna from the village is famous for its healing properties, which directly depend on the correctness of laying the furnace and the choice of...

Sauna of the barrel with your own hands
Sauna of the barrel with your own hands
Feb 10, 2018

Construction of a bath in a small area is a troublesome business: you need to build a foundation, put a frame, equip a roof. Much easier and more...

Ways of connecting timber and logs - we will consider the main technologies
Ways of connecting timber and logs - we will consider the main technologies
Feb 10, 2018

Let's consider the basic ways of joining timber and logs The construction of a wooden bath begins with a log house. Many people do not...

Bath with pool - samples of construction examples of design
Bath with pool - samples of construction examples of design
Feb 10, 2018

Everyone, at least once bathed in clean and cool water after being in a stuffy and hot steam room, understands how well you can feel after this p...