How to insulate the garage doors correctly with your own hands?

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What should I look for when warming the garage door?

For the most complete understanding of why it is necessary to insulate the garage doors, it is recommended to remember the basics of physics and chemistry. So, fluctuations in the night and daytime air temperatures lead to the formation of condensation in the garage, which has a very negative effect on the condition of the machine and the finishing of the room. In a short time, corrosive corrosion can form on the surface of the metal, the existing electrical wiring deteriorates, mold forms on the walls and in secluded corners, even the fabric upholstery in the car is destroyed.

Plaster used for finishing tiles, lining - all this is cracking, falling off and losing an aesthetic appearance. What can we say about the cases when condensate freezes under the influence of low temperatures? In such a room, you can easily lose not only your favorite "iron horse", but also undermine your health. Specialists say that as a result of insulation work, the temperature in the garage should not fall below + 5˚C.

When starting to insulate the garage door, a number of nuances should be taken into account. First, a considerable role is played by a competent choice of insulating material. The most common insulation options for this type of work - mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam( foam).However, it should be noted that the foam is quite easily ignited, but it has excellent moisture resistance and low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool, on the contrary, is characterized by good refractoriness, but low index of moisture resistance.

Do not forget to properly estimate the area of ​​work, to stock up a sufficient amount of insulation and related materials!

Secondly, it is necessary to focus your attention not only on such a concept as the "thermal conductivity" of the material used, but also "thermal inertia".It reflects the rate of change in temperature of a design over time. Thus, while warming the garage door with one's own hands, one must be guided by the fact that their thermal inertia from the outside to the inside should be increased, and the thermal conductivity of the insulating material should decrease. That is, the surface of the garage doors and walls should quickly heat up, but slowly give up this heat.

How to insulate garage doors with vinyl inserts and thresholds?

The slots, often occurring after the installation of the gate, contribute not only to penetration inside the cold, but also to the "leakage" of warm air. That is why when warming the garage doors, it is necessary to prevent these processes. For this, the existing gaps are sealed with the help of modern vinyl thresholds and inserts. They allow quite effectively to keep heat indoors, accordingly, to save expenses for the electric power, prevent the penetration of dust inside the garage and not to the taste of rodents.

Installation of vinyl inserts for door insulation is maximally simple - they are attached to the edges of the gate. For greater convenience and better attachment, there are special serifs located longitudinally.

If the gate is covered with old peeling paint, then it is better to remove it and cover the doors with a new layer of coloring composition. As for the installation of the vinyl threshold, some preparatory work is needed here. So, it is necessary to clear the space near the gate from all available contaminants and assess the condition of the threshold. In some cases, you can dispense with its alignment using special mixtures, but if the protective threshold is quite old, it's easier to replace it with a new one.

It is recommended to install a base for laying a vinyl insulation. For this purpose, rubber or a flat wooden bar is usually used. After completing all the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to mounting the vinyl threshold, which is a continuous tape of a certain width. Before installing the vinyl seal, remove the garage door!

The seal is placed along the garage threshold and is cut to the size of the gate. For the most effective insulation is recommended to cut the tape with a small margin, that is, its length should be slightly longer than the length of the threshold. Provide a quality fixing of the vinyl sealant to the prepared base with a special glue or nails. Of course, nails contribute to a longer period of operation of the material.

Thermal insulation of garage doors - how to do it right?

Thermal insulation of the door leafings will require some effort, financial and time. Firstly, it is worth remembering that condensation will constantly form between the metal surface of the doors and the thermal insulation material. Avoid this, anti-corrosion protection of the gate with the help of special compounds. Secondly, if you want to glue the insulation directly to the door leaf, make sure that there is no air gap between them.

Thirdly, if you prefer to install a heater on the crate( this option is recommended by most experts), then do not forget about priming its wooden elements. This will protect the structure from fungi and deformities. To the installed crate, heat insulation sheets are fixed with glue. Today, on sale, you can easily find the adhesive in balloons with a sprayer. Outwardly they resemble cylinders with mounting foam and provide a certain convenience in work.

However, any adhesive that is water resistant and provides good adhesion between the selected material and the wood of the battens can be used to mount the heater. After carrying out the specified works it is necessary to take care of protection of a heater which is masked by more strong material, for example, OSB( oriented chipboard) or a thin board. Take into account that drywall for these purposes will not work, because it is quite heavy.

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