Sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment with their own hands, materials

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  • 1 Noises in the room are of two types: air and structural.
  • 2 Simple soundproofing of the ceiling

Sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment with their own hands It's no secret that good sound insulation is not a hobby of modern panel buildings. If you are reading these lines, then you are probably familiar with the situation when the neighbors' private lives from above are interfering with your personal life, unless you are a happy inhabitant of the last floor( and unhappy if the elevator does not work) and you want to get rid of this situation. Website repair apartments with their own hands will help determine what can help you.

Noises in the premises are of two types: air and structural.

The first are noises that are created by talking with a person or sound from the speakers of a TV or radio. These noises are caused by air vibrations, which are able to overcome walls under the condition of sufficient source power.

Second , structural noise - caused by mechanical action directly on the inter-apartment wall, for example, falling of a heavy( or not) object on the floor, driving a nail, drilling, and so on. Since sound vibrations occur in a solid body, where the speed of sound exceeds a similar figure for the air environment by a factor of 12, such noises are very well audible and transmitted over sufficiently long distances; for example, the sound of a hammering nail in one apartment can be heard by the inhabitants of the entire entrance.

The most effective are two ways of suppressing unwanted noise:

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1) Reducing the power of the sound source - this method is complicated and not always possible, because your neighbors may disagree with your arguments about how they somehow prevent you from their actions.

2) Installation of additional sound insulation, reducing the amplitude of sound waves, reaching you from above.

As you could guess, below we will talk about the second way to solve the problem.

Simple soundproofing of the

ceiling You can reduce the noise from above in two ways:

1) Full sound insulation - besides the ceiling, you also isolate walls and floor. The method is very effective, but, accordingly, it is quite expensive, since it involves a large number of additional construction works.

2) Partial sound insulation of the

ceiling The best level of sound insulation of mechanical noise is achieved by installing sound insulation boards of the Penoplex brand. In order to effectively extinguish the air noise, most often used plates "Isover", or all the same "Penoplex".

It is also necessary to remember that the sound insulation of the ceiling is not a complete guarantee of eliminating noise. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with sound insulation inevitably lower the ceiling level( 7-10 centimeters).You can glue to the ceiling soundproof wallpaper, this will increase the absorption of noise.

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