Bark beetle application technology with video

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  • 1 Technology of plaster coating bark beetle
  • 2 Application of plaster bark beetle
Bark beetle application technology photo and video instructions. How to apply a bark beetle on a wall

Plastering of bark beetles. Ways of application and technology with a video example.

All the rules for applying bark beetle

First, let's define that it's not about the crown that is an insect and eats your floors, but about special textured plaster. In general, such plaster is applied to the facades, and least often inside the room. But before you start using this composition in its direct designation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for applying this compound. In principle, there is nothing complicated and the technology of plastering the bark beetle is simple, but you still need to know some of the nuances, and even better to watch a video lesson that you will find just below this article on the apartment repair site in the home. The work itself consists of some stages:

1. Primer.
2. Application to the surface of a bark beetle.
3. Trowelling of bark beetle.

In order to learn how to correctly apply this textured plaster, you can practice on the back wall of the facade of your house, using several bags of bark beetle.

To work with this mixture, it is best to choose autumn or spring. You can do this in the summer, but you should know that the plaster will dry up quickly, and therefore you will need to work quickly. So in order to learn best, of course, choose a neutral season, that is, spring or autumn.

But before you get started, you need to prepare the right tools for the correct application of plaster bark beetles:

1. A tray and a roller that will be needed for the primer.
2. Drill with a whisk.
3. A bucket.
4. Blade and spatula for applying plaster.
5. Sprinkler.
6. Grater. Preferably plastic.

Now proceed, directly to work. The first that needs to be done is to primed your wall. See our article on what kind of primer to choose, types of primers. For this, it is necessary to use a special paint primer. Choose a primer of white color. All this is necessary to ensure that the black color of the wall in the furrows is not visible. If you have chosen expensive paint primer, then they can walk on the wall, just once, because it has a very thick and high-quality consistency. If your soil is from a cheaper one, then apply it on the wall in several layers. All this is because cheap soils are more liquid, and in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to apply about two or three layers on the wall, that is, until your wall gets a uniform white color. After you have applied the primer, you should wait until it dries, otherwise you risk wiping it to black while working with the bark beetle.

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Technology of plaster coating bark beetle

The next stage is the application of bark beetle .To do this, it is necessary to mix the plaster in the bag, as indicated on the bag of the bark beet you selected. But it is worth remembering that you do not need to mix too much, since you may not have time to work out all the material, and it will simply wither. Apply bark beetle with stainless steel spatula. Do everything neatly, evenly. Remember that the thickness of the layer should be in the size of the fraction of the bags of your plaster. A very important advice may be for you that it is worth applying plaster in rows horizontally or vertically. During the application of one row, it is necessary to capture the entire height or width of the wall, then the result will be uniform and neat.

If your wall is too high or wide, then you should limit the level before which you can reach, and also apply the plaster carefully, but already in the planned areas. This means that it is worth to divide the wall in half with the help of paint tape and first reach it, and the next day, tearing it off and gluing it onto the treated part, apply the same bark beetle on the second half of the wall.

After you have applied the bark beetle, it is necessary to wait ten or twenty minutes, in order for the plaster to seize. It all depends on the weather, the warmer, the faster it will start to cling. In principle, you can check this using a pre-prepared plastic float. If the plaster does not stick to it, then you can safely move on to the next stage of work, that is, to trowelling the bark beetle.

The bark beetting technology is also simple and is made with the same plastic float. To do this, you need to decide on the pattern, if you want to see the "rain", then it should be rubbed vertically - up and down. If you like the "lamb" pattern, then do circular motions. After you zatrete the first row, you should immediately start applying the second row, while the seams between the rows must be sprinkled with water so that transitions are not visible. The video below demonstrates this clearly.

If it happened that you did not have time to grind and the bark beetle withered, then use a spray, and the missing drawing can be finished with a nail.

With regard to painting, then paint the bark beetle best with a roller or brush in the furrows, and at least two layers. Find out how much plaster is needed, the online calculator of the amount of plaster will help.

Application of plastering bark beetle video

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