Repair of old wooden windows

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Old wooden windows, much better than plastic ones - that's why they are appreciated all over the world. It is much cheaper to restore your old windows than to install new ones. There are several advantages in favor of restoration. Previously, the windows were made of well-dried wood - an odd number of the present, dried by accelerated methods. The old window has already been fixed and settled, and often only cosmetic repairs are required. The old windows, made of natural wood, breathe, unlike the new windows made of metal-plastic.


Therefore repairing old windows is more important than replacing them with new ones. Minor repairs and replacement of some parts are much more effective than replacing old windows with new ones. Particularly affected by the lower bar. Condensate and perspiration drip down the steles and contribute to the appearance of the fungus and the rotting of the lower crossbeam of the frame.

Dismantling and dismantling of old windows


  1. Works on the restoration of window frames, preferably carried out in a comprehensive manner, and include in the cosmetic processing window sill and window box. To begin work on the restoration and restoration of old wooden frames, they must be dismantled. Screwdriver or screwdriver - remove the handles, latches and hinges. The aged paint can be removed or softened with a paint remover.
  2. With the window shoe on the desktop or workbench, gently remove the glass. Screwdriver and carpenter's knife, pick open the putty if the glasses stand on it or undermine the same bezel with the same tools.

Removing old paint from wooden surfaces


  1. When removing window pane, clean the rebate grooves from dirt and foreign growths from the paint and putty.
  2. The window frames that have been dismantled and without glasses are required to be cleaned of the old paint. For this, a special chemical cleaner or mechanical method is used. Through a construction hair dryer or a more radical way - a blowtorch.
  3. Paint cleaner - effective at low layering. If many layers of paint - apply heat treatment. The softened old paint is removed with a spatula.
  4. The wooden window surface, which has been cleaned from the paint, is treated with sandpaper or a grinder. After grinding, dents and damages are wiped off with putty on wood. After the putty has dried, the final fine surface cleaning is done. A window box and a window sill are similarly treated.

Replacement of the frame parts for the


window frame
  1. Depending on the size of the opening of the window frame, the window consists of the imposters dividing the frame into two or more parts horizontally and vertically.
  2. In the event that one or more of the imposts are not subject to restoration - they can be replaced. Choose good rectangular pieces of timber, dried, knots and give for the profile groove in the carpenter's workshop.
  3. Make a pixmap for them on the thorns, lugs, nests and folds. Cut the bars at an angle of 45 °, taking into account the extreme tolerances.
  4. The bars are fastened in the intended place, then with a fine-toothed saw or jigsaw, the thorns and lugs are sewn. A slight skewing can spoil all work. A thorn made thicker than the width of the nest will lead to the appearance of cracks, and the spike, less than the nest of the socket leads to the loosening of the frame.
  5. After removing the spikes and lugs, proceed to further processing. The spike parts cut down the cheeks and cut the folded surfaces. Zenzubel or folding removes all the roughnesses and adjusts adjacent surfaces closely. To make the assembly easier, the chisel is removed with small chamfers. Some tight knots are gently pinched by a mallet.
  6. Binding assembly, checked by carpenter's square. Note that the frame folds are in the same plane. In this case, the glass rests evenly on the folds and good tightness is achieved.
  7. After verifying the binding is dry, all joints are smeared with joinery adhesive and collected again. The assembled cover is put into the vimes and verified for correct angles and distortions. At the corners, holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm are drilled and glued nails are inserted into them.
  8. On the lower binding bar, a reflux is arranged. The size and shape of the ebb is different, but under it there must always be a spit-a groove of a semicircular or rectangular shape. It is located on the outer edge of 10 mm from the edge. They set the ebb on the glue, additionally fixing nails under the slope.

Glazing of wooden window frames


  1. The window glass should be 3 to 4 mm smaller on all sides of the distance between the high folds. This is necessary in case of wetting and warping of wood.
  2. A thin layer of transparent silicone is applied around the perimeter of the fold, which will prevent penetration of moisture and dust.
  3. On the reverse side, apply silicone impregnated bead and fix with studs. The studs are clogged at a distance of 200 to 300 mm and to a depth of 7 to 10 mm.

2013-02-22_ how_to paint_the wooden window

Painting wooden windows

  1. For the quality repair of old wooden windows, judging by the reviews before painting the frame it is desirable to treat the antiseptic.
  2. For high-quality paint coating, the window block is covered with linseed oil. After drying drying oil can begin to paint. As a rule, the windows are painted in two layers, the first - the priming and the second - the finishing one.
  3. In order to prevent paint from falling onto the windows, when repairing old windows, a painting tape is used( see photo).Paint the tape along the glazing bead on the glass around the perimeter of the window.
  4. Detailed instructions on how to independently repair old wooden windows with your own hands - there is a video at the end of the article.

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