Key differences of the balcony from the loggia, design features and photos

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There are balconies or loggias in almost all residential or administrative buildings. But the question of what their difference, only an expert can correctly answer. For the average citizen there are certain criteria by which he determines how to classify this "extension".But most of them are wrong, and only misleading. Let's try to figure out what the difference in the balcony is from the balcony.

But first you should clarify, but is it really that important? If this constructive element is already available, then it can not be altered-that is, that one will have to use. But the fact is that balconies and loggias have different requirements in terms of specific operation. The relevant information is detailed in the SNiP.That is why, in order to exclude possible troubles during the reconstruction, "modernization" of their home( for example, when combining a loggia with a room), it is necessary to determine the terminology regarding a specific "extension".

For example, now is not uncommon, when balconies are glazed from all sides, their interior is made. The owner himself decides how to equip his dwelling. At the same time, it is forbidden to conduct heating in such an additional room, making a withdrawal from the general housing circuit.


Its plate( platform, floor) stands for the perimeter of the structure. In fact, this is a hinged design that has only one support( along the line of abutment to the wall of the house).


There is another engineering solution, when the beams are used as supports( usually concrete reinforced concrete) protruding from the wall.


In some cases, vertical racks are installed under the platform, which serve as an additional support of the plate.

There are other options. But the general sign - the serving plate - is indicated. All the rest - glazing, the presence of side walls( partitions), the kind of fencing, external and internal decoration - is again.


Sometimes it looks little different from the balcony, because the options for its execution can also be different. The main feature - 3 of its sides are the walls of the building. That is, the loggia can either be built-in( to be part of the room) or out-of-the-way( but its side walls are natural extensions of the walls of the room).The difference is constructive - the loggia does not have one( like a balcony), but three lines( support points).


By the way, sometimes it is already projected that the heating circuit is started on the loggia, with the installation of radiators there( this is more typical for administrative buildings).

 Conclusion - if the floor plate goes beyond the perimeter of the building and has only one "point" of support, then this is the balcony. In other cases - a loggia.

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