Solarizer heater - instructions and references

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Solarizer heater - instructions and references

So, again, on the ears of the eternal problem of heating cottages in the winter.

Of course, no one ignores the construction of an ordinary Russian stove, where you can cook and cook dinner, and give the villa a warm.

Quite justified option with the installation of a conventional or upgraded "burzhuyki", which has been known since time immemorial.

All these options do not require large expenses, and as a fuel it will completely go dead from the nearest landing, and the wooden waste will be where to go.

We will not consider the options for organizing steam-water heating on this or that kind of fuel, especially since for summer needs, when the arrival in winter is not frequent, it will be too big and ineffective investment.

But how can we provide a quick heating of the room and, perhaps, even a normal overnight stay in the winter cottage?


Different variants are offered for this, depending on the presence or absence of electricity and gas supply in the country.

As a possible option for heating the countryside structure, a solar-gas can be considered, which can be understood as various devices according to the principle of operation.

Such a device can operate on ordinary solar oil and produce heat in the closed burning mode.

Reviews of the solar collector are given below and are positive. This is a kind of oven, the main fuel for which is diesel fuel or in a simple way - diesel fuel.

Such furnaces can have different power and perfectly cope with the tasks of heating a small cottage, a garage or a greenhouse.

At the same time, given the standard fuel consumption, the capacity of the fuel tank is enough for continuous operation of the furnace for 16-20 hours. On such an oven you can warm up and even cook food.

A gas-fired heater is an infrared device that emits heat with a ceramic heat-radiated surface rather than direct combustion of gas.

This device is well used for heating cottages, greenhouses, garages, as well as for accelerating the drying of surfaces during construction and repair.

This device can be connected to the main gas network or to a gas cylinder.

Average( solar-gas) consumes about 200 grams of liquefied gas per hour and heats up to 20 square meters of area. The device is quite compact and weighs just over a kilogram.

If you need to stay in the villa in winter, provides a comfortable temperature inside the house with a relatively low gas consumption.


Solar cooker heater, made in the form of a plate, is a box-like structure in which there is a heater block, filter, jet, fiberglass wick and a 2.5 liter fuel tank.

Illuminating kerosene and diesel fuel can be used as fuel.

Above the burner is a grate made of heat-resistant steel, which can be used to place a metal pan for heating food.

Work on one gas station is provided within 11-15 hours. When working with the furnace, basic safety rules must be observed when operating fuel equipment.


  • Reviews of the solar collector
      • Reviewed by 1
      • Reviewed by 2
      • Reviewed by 3

Reviews about solyaharse

Reviewed by 1

After viewing the opinions, the members of the forum bought a stove for use in their garage, measuring 4x6 meters. The operating experience showed that the heating of the room occurs immediately after switching on, and after one hour of operation it is necessary to reduce the power of the stove, demonstrating good heat transfer. The smell is almost not felt, very satisfied with the purchase.

Review 2

It's a great thing, it heats a small villa very well! Now it can be in winter.

Review 3

I bought a heater for installation in a greenhouse. Perfectly cope with heating, the replacement of wicks occurs after several months of operation. Has got an opportunity of operation of a hothouse in a cold season.

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