How to putty the walls for painting

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The most optimal and inexpensive way of finishing the walls is painting. However, the paint must be applied to the prepared surface. And it needs to be done qualitatively, since after painting all the flaws and irregularities will be visible. The question of how to plaster walls for painting we try to disassemble in this article.


  • Kinds of
  • putty Work on wall alignment
  • Application of initial filler to the walls
  • Finishing putty - application features of
  • How to check the walls on irregularities
  • Drywall preparation technology for painting

Kinds of

putty Putty is of two main types:

  • for interior work,
  • for external work.

It is unacceptable to apply filler for external work inside the building, since toxins are released that are dangerous to human health. Putty for interior work, also not suitable for external work, as it is easily destroyed under the influence of moisture and temperature drop.


The components are as follows:

1. Cement putty - used for puttying the facade or in rooms with high moisture.

2. Gypsum putty - it has a beautiful white color, it is used as the final stage of wall finishing. Not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

3. Polymer filler, which has subspecies:

  • acrylic putty - is versatile. Sphere of use: internal, external finish, in quality both start and finish putty,
  • latex putty - it is used for interior finishing. It is characterized by elasticity and ease of operation.

According to the stages of work when decorating the walls, the putty is divided into:

  • starting putty, which all the unevenness of the walls are leveled. It has a rough base, thanks to the sand content,
  • finishing putty, which is used in the final stage of finishing. Has a granular structure that provides a perfectly flat surface,
  • universal filler - suitable for both the initial and the final stage of work.


Tools for laying walls for painting:

  • spatula 60 * 80, 20 * 25,
  • nylon mesh, mesh size 0.2 cm,
  • sandpaper or grinder,
  • abrasive mesh 60,80, 120,
  • bubble level,
  • capacity for spreading putty,
  • metal beacons,
  • construction mixer,
  • roller, brush.

Materials for the preparation of walls for painting:

  • putty finishing,
  • putty starting,
  • primer,
  • water,
  • mortar.


Work on leveling the walls

The first stage of work - leveling the walls. To do this, remove all existing coatings from the walls. Sandpaper or a grinding beam grind the surface. At level, we check the evenness. The maximum difference should be 0.5 cm. After that, we ground the wall and wait for the complete drying.

If you can not remove wall irregularities with the help of grinding, there are two options:

  • wall decoration with gypsum board,
  • full plastering of walls.

With a difference of more than 5 mm, we install beacons and level the wall with an isohypse or cement mortar. To hide gross surface defects, a layer of about 3-5 cm is sometimes applied. Before this, the starting putty is mixed with well-sieved sand. The ratio is 1: 1.

When the work on leveling the walls is done, use a roller or brush to apply a primer coat to the walls. This will help get rid of fungi and microorganisms, and putty is more securely attached to the wall. Drying time of the primer is 4-5 hours.


How to prepare a putty mixture:

1. Prepare a bucket of water and putty.

2. Read the instructions, there are the proportions of water and a dry mixture.

3. Make a small amount of putty mixture, as the putty very quickly freezes, and it will be more difficult to work. Optimal time for using putty 30-40 minutes.

4. Be sure to pour the filler into the bucket, and then fill it with water.

5. Stir the mixture with a mixer and leave for 5-10 minutes, for swelling.

6. Once again, stir 3-4 minutes.

7. Do this three or four times.

8. The mass must be free of lumps and have an elastic structure.

Starting putty is always sold in dry form, but the finish is not necessarily diluted with water. Since there are many types of long-lasting finish putty, which is sold already ready. This putty is more convenient and does not freeze when working.


Application of starting putty on the walls

To apply the starting puttying we use two spatulas. Greater we put shpaklevku on walls, and small - we distribute shpaklevku on a surface of a big spatula. Evenly distribute the putty for more convenient application.

When applying putty from left to right, the upper part of the spatula is to the right of the lower part. Hold the spatula at an angle of 45-6 °.

It is better to apply starting filler in several layers, waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer. The optimum layer of application of starting putty 3-4 mm.

To prevent the appearance of cracks in the wall use a nylon network, with a cell size of 0.2-0.5 cm. Apply a layer of putty on the wall and attach a mesh to it, then apply a second layer on the mesh and spread the putty over the surface. The thickness of the layers is 1-2 mm.

Experienced painters replace the mesh with fiberglass or fiberglass, which are sold complete with special glue. After finishing with fiberglass painting is possible, but in this case it will take 2-3 times more paint than after finishing the finish putty.

Using a large-sized sandpaper, we grind the surface. Fine granularity on the surface, after applying the initial putty - this is the norm, because such a putty is coarser than the finish coat.


Finishing putty - features of application

The next stage of finishing is applying to the walls the finishing putty. The layer of the finish puttying is much thinner than the starting layer. Before applying, read the instructions, there must be indicated the maximum layer of application of the finish putty.

Finishing putty of walls for painting is applied in several stages, and after complete drying the surface is ground with an abrasive mesh, with a grain size of 60 or 80. When grinding, do not overdo it so as not to scratch the entire layer of putty. Use the level to check that the walls are even.


How to check the walls on unevenness of

After finishing puttying works, you need to make sure that the walls are completely ready for painting. Since when painting, all small irregularities and roughness will be visible.

Take a desk lamp or searchlight, tilt to the wall at an oblique angle, and if small defects are visible, you should get rid of them using a grinder or a hand-held bar.

Primer - the final stage of preparation of walls for painting.

At the end of puttying works, after drying the last layer of putty you need to get rid of small particles of putty and dust. To do this, use a dry rag or vacuum cleaner. Before painting, the walls are treated with a primer.


The technology of preparation of gypsum plasterboard wall for painting

The process of applying putty on gypsum board is much easier. To do this, perform a number of actions:

1. Apply a primer over the entire surface of gypsum board walls. In no event should alkyd primers be used, since the gypsum chip is deformed. The thickness of the primer layer is 0.02 mm.

2. Prepare the wall. Look at the joints of the plasterboard joints and the way the screws are screwed.

3. Paste a special fiberglass mesh on the joints of gypsum boards in such a way that the seam is in the middle of the tape.

4. Shpaklyuem joints. To do this, prepare two spatulas 12-15 and 30-35 cm

5. Next, fill in the screws. This should be done in a crosswise manner to hide all the grooves and heads of the screws.

6. Alignment of corners. Plug one side of the corner, and after drying - the other.

7. After drying all joints and corners, attach the metal corners to the window or door openings.

8. Shpaklyuem entire surface. Using a small spatula, squeeze the putty into the profile holes. A wide spatula will help level the putty on the surface.

9. To apply the putty on the arch, use a special plastic corner. Secure the corner with a stapler.

10. Since this corner is thicker than usual aluminum, the putty is applied twice.

11. After drying, grind any irregularities.

12. The next step is applying the finishing putty. Apply the filler in a very thin layer, using a wide spatula.

13. After drying the finish putty - we ground the wall.


Tips for puttying paint walls for painting:

  • never apply a finishing layer of putty until the starter starts to dry out completely,
  • approximate calculation of putty occurs in this way: for 1 m² about 1200 g of dry putty,
  • , when choosing a primer, look for deeply penetrating species, which are resistant to temperature changes,
  • Primer consumption per 1 m² about 80-100 g,
  • The maximum thickness of the layer should not exceed 4 mm,
  • for putting putty on internal corners use the rule and wide spar
  • on the quality of the putty depends on the durability and strength of the walls,
  • when preparing the putty mixture, be oriented on the consistency of thick sour cream. Since the very liquid mixture slips off the spatula and the mixture is too thick to work hard, the
  • is distinguished by its excellent quality of putty: Ceresit, Triora, Polimin, Saten, Knauf,
  • , when using a dry putty, use a respirator,
  • put the putty in different directions: horizontally, vertically anddiagonally,
  • never try to dilute the thickened putty with water. Thus, the quality of the plastered surface deteriorates,
  • for large surfaces use a large spatula, and a smaller spatula is suitable for corners or hard-to-reach places,
  • is best to choose a spatula made of stainless steel,
  • , it is possible to use an extender gun for applying putty mix. In this case, use a rubber spatula to smooth the putty,
  • at the end of the work, wash the tool immediately, as it will be hard afterwards,
  • . For the first three days after work, protect the room from moisture, hypothermia or too high temperatures.

If the puttying process seems very difficult, it is better to trust professionals. After all, if the walls are prepared incorrectly for painting, you will have to redo everything from the beginning, and this is a double consumption of materials, money and time. For plastering the walls for painting the prices are different, it all depends on the area and quality of the walls. One square meter of putty for painting on a concrete wall costs about $ 8, on plasterboard - $ 6.

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