Paving stone laying on the site: types and methods of paving

For convenient movement, as well as for an attractive appearance in any garden or suburban area, it is necessary to equip the tracks. Modern manufacturers can boast a huge selection of building materials that solve this problem. Due to its strength and reliability, various types of pavers for garden paths are very popular. And although laying pavers is not an easy thing, many experts recommend using this material, becausehe has a number of undeniable advantages.

What attracts cobblestones for paving tracks, what sorts of it are and how to lay cobbles correctly - read today at the "House of Dreams".

Paths from paving stones

Paving stones from

Advantages of paving stone

The very first advantage of pavers against any other facing material is its high strength and unpretentiousness. The tracks from the pavers do not deform and do not lose their attractive appearance, even if they are on areas excessively illuminated by the sun's rays. In addition, any other facing material, when heated, begins to release harmful chemical elements that affect the health and well-being of people, while paving stones are recognized as completely safe and environmentally friendly material.

Paths from paving stones

Asphalt pavement tracks

Paving stone paving

Pavement paving

Also only pavers have the possibility of temporary dismantling, which is very convenient in cases when on site it is necessary to conduct repair underground works. Cobbles for cottages are indispensable also in the fact that in case of damage to any part of the track, it can be easily dismantled and replaced without repairing the entire road.

Attractiveness of pavers is also evident in its appearance. Thanks to different color solutions, shapes and sizes, this material can be used to cover a variety of garden paths - from narrow winding paths, to wide alleys.

Paving stone paving pictures

Laying of paving stone photo

Pavement paving on the site

Pavement paving on section

Types of paving stone

Those who want the paving stones on the plot to look the most harmoniously with the general view of landscape design and not be out of natural beauty, it is worth choosing a material whose surface mimics a natural stone. If it is necessary to emphasize the severity and accuracy of the site, you should pay attention to a variety of single-colored smooth pavers. If the landscape idea of ​​your garden or dacha section was created under the motto "creativity and originality", then its appearance will be best emphasized by a figured or mosaic paving stone.

Garden paths from paving stones

Garden pavers from paving blocks

It is also common to divide pavers into several types:

  • chipped pavers

This kind of material differs uneven shape and surface with convex parts. The technology of laying paving blocks can be made both manually and with the help of special equipment. However, during self-assembly it is important to ensure that the gaps between the pavement are as possible already, otherwise the track will lose its stability. The main advantage of paving blocks is its low cost.

  • sawn pavers

Unlike the previous type, this kind of lining material has an even shape and a smooth surface, which greatly simplifies the pavement paving.

  • the ground pavers

In the process of making pavers of this type, its surface is polished and leveled, which makes the material very smooth. In addition, the ground pavers are considered to be the most enduring variety.

Ways to lay pavers

Methods of laying pavers photo

Paving stones with own hands

Paving of paving stones with your own hands

Layout of pavers

Paving laying scheme

How to lay pavers

Paving options vary depending on the condition of the ground, and on the destination of the future track or site. If the track will be used as pedestrian, that is, the load on it will be moderate, then it is possible to lay the pavers yourself.

However, it should immediately be taken into account that the process of creating a track from any facing material is quite a difficult task, requiring great strength and compliance with rules and regulations. If you still decide to create a garden path yourself, then start the work process with the preparation of the ground. First of all, the boundaries of laying pavers are determined, into which pegs are beaten. Sometimes it is necessary to remove or, conversely, add ground under the base. If the soil is too soft, it is compacted mechanically, otherwise it will not be possible to lay the pavement densely.

Next, the soil is leveled, laid with geotextile and sprinkled with a layer of crushed stone( 20-25cm).Aligning the rubble, you should form a few slopes to drain the water. After that it is again necessary to lay the geotextile, fill it with sand( about 10cm) and pour it abundantly with water.

The next stage of the work is the installation of curbs. For this, the boundaries of the future path are poured with concrete, into which the curb is installed. In this case the sides of the curbs should be well filled with fixing mortar and sand.

During the direct laying of pavers, the most important thing is to ensure that the parts are closely adjacent to each other. Since, one way or another, avoiding the absence of gaps will not succeed, these places must be covered with sand. The final alignment of the track is carried out with a rubber hammer.

Layout of pavers

Paving laying scheme

Laying pavers on the plot of the photo

Laying pavers in the photo section

When you are wondering how to lay pavers, it should be noted that if a car is planned to travel on a future path or site, then a cement-sand mixture and reinforced mesh should be used during paving. In principle, the technology of laying a track with a moderate load does not differ from the previous method of paving. But instead of geotextile, which is laid on the basis of crushed stone, it is necessary to lay the cement-sand mixture with a layer of about 10cm. After that, reinforced road net is installed, due to which the construction becomes more durable.

In the event that the site chosen to form the future track is distinguished by a problem ground, do not do the pavers alone, as even minor errors can lead to the fact that the finished track will not be strong.

Cobbles on the plot photo

Paving stone on the site photo

Paving laying is the most important process of forming a track on the site. After all, the strength and durability of the future object depends on the correctness of the paving.

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