We make slopes from plasterboard on windows - instruction and technology

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The purchase and installation of a new double-glazed window does not yet mean the completion of all window repair activities. It will be necessary to create an appropriate design of the window opening corresponding to the current norms and requirements in terms of design and energy saving level. First of all, it is necessary to take care of installing suitable slopes.

Slopes on the windows of plasterboard with their own hands

Slopes on plasterboard windows with own hands

The most practical material for arranging slopes is gypsum board, which has an excellent combination of low price, ease of processing and an ideal surface plane. Thanks to these qualities, this material is often the choice of home masters. In this case, one of two suitable technologies can be applied: planting slopes on the glue or mounting them on the frame.

Adhesion of slopes from plasterboard

The entire procedure for planting slopes on the adhesive can be divided into several stages.

  1. Cleaning the window opening. Here, the main task is to prepare the surface of the opening in such a way that its surface can ensure a reliable grasp with the glue. For this, the opening is treated with a rigid brush or brush, and special attention should be paid to those places where there are traces of damage to the old paint or plaster. The result should be an absolutely clean surface, from which any particles can not separate themselves.
    Preparing the window opening

    Preparation of the window opening

  2. The cleaned surface is primed with the utmost care.
  3. Now you need to measure the depth and width of the space in the window opening, which you want to close the slopes. According to the dimensions obtained on the drywall sheet, the silhouette of the slope is drawn and then on this silhouette the actual element of the window itself is cut out. For this task we need the following set of tools and tools:

    - tape measure;

    - rule;

    - a special knife for working on plasterboard. If there was no one at hand, then an ordinary stationery knife with breaking blades can also replace the special knife.

    To ensure that the sheet is cut as smoothly as possible, it will be necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions recommended by both the finishers and the plasterboard manufacturers themselves:

    - after drawing the outline of the slope on the canvas, the rule is tightly pressed against the planned lines and pressed along its working linefaces in such a way that the top sheet of cardboard was completely cut to the gypsum layer:

    - the sheet is turned over to the opposite side( if you do not apply too much effortdo not make any sudden movements, you can not be afraid of self-razvalivanie sheet notch area);

    - on the now accessible side the same notches are made;

    - now you can press the rule to the edge of the notch and raise the sheet at one end. Drywall will crack perfectly evenly along the line of incisions.

    The process of cutting plasterboard

    Drying process for drywall

  4. Application of glue. The adhesive solution prepared according to the manufacturer's recommendations should be applied to the back of the glued slope. Do not allow the adhesive layer to be solid. Some intervals of a clean surface are required in order that after pressing the slope to the surface of the window opening the glue can freely flow and fill all the microcracks and irregularities. If the adhesive is applied with a continuous layer, then, after applying the slope, it will begin to "float" on this layer of glue, preventing the latter from grabbing or drying completely over a long period of time.

    All work on bonding slopes should be completed no later than half an hour after the preparation of the glue. If the set time is exceeded, the glue will already begin to set and become unsuitable for use.

    Application of glue on plasterboard

    Application of glue on drywall

  5. Inclined slopes. When installing such slopes fill the free space with just one glue is strongly discouraged. If the width of the gap near the window frame reaches 3 cm or more, then in this place it will be necessary to paste on the walls in the window aperture of the strip from the same drywall, to which the slope itself will be glued in the future.
  6. Horizontal slopes at the top of the window opening. To ensure that until the glue is fully clamped, the horizontal slopes do not try to fall off trivially, they should be fixed with vertical struts. As such struts you can use wooden slats or bars, the length of which is easiest to adjust. They can be supported either in the window sill or in the floor.

Mounting slopes on the frame of profiles

Modern models of plastic windows in most cases are made on the basis of frames, which provide for the installation of a special profile for fastening slopes. In this case, just do not forget about this profile when buying a window, install it in the appropriate groove on the frame and insert in advance cut from the sheet drywall slope. The technology of cutting slopes from a single sheet of gypsum board in this case will not differ in anything from the one discussed above.

If, however, the design of the window frame does not provide for the possibility of using profiles for slopes, it is not difficult to make them independently. As a basis, you can take advantage of galvanized or plastic L-shaped profiles. These profiles should be screwed to the inside of the window frame along the lines along which the slopes will be in contact with the window.

Scheme of installation of slopes on the framework of profiles

Scaffold installation scheme for

profile frame. At the outer edges, the plasterboard slope is attached to the edge of the wall either by screws or by glue, which depends on the type of walls, such as the surrounding finish of other similar factors. In this case, it should be borne in mind that before the final fixation of the slope, it is necessary to fill all the cavities formed between it and the surface of the window opening with mounting foam.

Video - installation of plasterboard slopes on windows with own hands

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