Automatic switchboard: guarantee of your safety

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What is an input automaton for the electrical switchboard

In any engineering system, there are elements of the main, important and secondary. For electric indoor networks of switchboards with automatons - the same commander-in-chief, who, like a good plumber, will block the required valve when a tap or pipe broke. Mounting the switchboard in the house, apartment, at the dacha primarily involves the distribution of capacities and end-users' target functions with the output of them to individual modules of the machine. Automatic switchboard: guarantee of your safety

An introductory circuit breaker is designed to prevent overheating of the wires in your home. Everything is simple and noble. If in one of the groups connected to the switchboard there are long overloads or limiting short-circuit currents during the installation of the groups, the corresponding automatics disconnects the module. Before correctly assembling, equipping and connecting the electrical panel in the apartment, garage or country house, it is necessary to make preliminary calculations of the machine taking into account the following parameters:

  • tolerances of the value of the input line voltage;
  • current frequency and its possible deviations;
  • admissible values ​​of the closing currents;
  • installed power characteristics;
  • type of ground( TT, TN-C, TN-C-S).Automatic switchboard: guarantee of your safety

It should be noted that the power supply conditions for urban flats and holiday cottages vary greatly in all respects, so it is not worthwhile to blindly transfer the experience of stable 220V, 50Hz and TN-C neutral mode to the conditions of suburban life. Voltage fluctuations and autonomous grounding require a special campaign: to properly assemble the electrical panel and install it you can do yourself, and to choose and connect the machines after installation, let it be specialists.

Choosing the configuration and size of the automatic control board

We have already written about the standard models of electrical panels on our site, so we do not discuss the device, the rules of its assembly, installation and proper installation in residential premises. We will perform a primary analysis of the factors that affect its internal filling, which you can ask yourself. Automatic switchboard: guarantee of your safety

  1. Design of consumption groups .In this matter, no one will help you, because only you know where the washing machine will stand, connect an electric kettle or microwave oven. The number of automata for the switchboard is determined at this stage.
  2. Power calculation for modules. This you also have to do with your own hands and head. How correctly you determine the load on each outlet, so the machines in the electrical panel will ensure the safety of your home. Electricity consumption zones can be chosen arbitrarily, but reasonably.
  3. Installation of RCD after input of .The system is necessary, useful, but it requires a special place for the installation of an electrical panel and an additional automatic device of a lower graduation in terms of current strength. Automatic switchboard: guarantee of your safety

Characteristics and number of single-pole circuit breakers of the electrical circuit of your apartment( dacha, garage) you have determined, it's time to buy them and collect the flap. Help: to select a switch, you can use an elementary dependence obtained empirically. Each kW of power consumption of a single-phase electrical appliance requires a 4.5A interrupter. Accordingly, an electric kettle and a microwave oven, consuming together 3.4 kW, will require a 16A submachine gun.

Assembling the electrical panel

The body of the switchboard is installed( outdoor or built-in, not so important), the wires are connected, it only remains to fill it with contents, collect and connect. If you do not know how to properly make the installation of an RCD, a meter and automatic machines, then you should not deprive yourself of the family of light and other household amenities, and your health.

You can fix the DIN-rails and even snap the circuit breakers into the electrical panel yourself, but you better entrust the installation of the input machine, the meter and the switching of the wires to professionals. In this situation, it is more important not who will disassemble the cables, but who correctly calculated the automata, chose a shield, collected it in a preliminary version and fixed it in the proper place.

For particularly curious citizens who want to penetrate deeper into the problem, we give a typical scheme for connecting the electrical board in the apartment and video for its assembly.

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