Furnace burzhuyka: the best choice for a summer house, a greenhouse, a garage or a cabins

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It seems that in the modern world, a stove is a remnant of the past. Indeed, why do we need this cast-iron device, if there is a lot of multifunctional and compact analogues now? However, in fact, the stove oven has unique functions and capabilities. This device, developed in the XIX century, can almost instantly warm up the room, without requiring for this large financial costs.

The capabilities of the turbojet, the principle of its operation, the features of the installation and the safety measures in operation are the questions that the "House of Dreams" has prepared answers for its readers in this publication.

Stove burner

Stove burzhuyka

History of the stove burzhujki

Its interesting name was acquired by the bourgeoisie thanks to the February or bourgeois revolution of 1917.At that time, a small stove saved the lives of many families. Because of the total household disorder and devastation, the mobile burger was the only opportunity by which people could heat a house, heat water or cook food.

Fortunately, the times of total deficit have sunk into oblivion, but the bourgeois still does not lose its usefulness. It becomes an indispensable assistant in those cases where it is required to heat the premises in which it is impossible or impractical to organize a complete heating system. For example, this device is indispensable for heating a summer house, a greenhouse, a construction site, a garage, etc.

burger stove

Stove burzhuyka

Old stove stove

Stove old

stove Features and functions of the burster

The stove is a rectangular cast iron or metal structure with an opening door and a sliding drawer for ash and a chimney. As a fuel for such a design, almost any material can be used: wood, peat, coal, waste technical waste, etc.

Initially, the design was intended for heating a small room. However, gradually the burzhujki were improved, therefore modern models of the furnace are convenient to use not only for heating, but also for cooking. The burgers can be equipped with a comfortable hob and even an oven. Multifunctionality of this simple, at first glance, device makes it an indispensable assistant in the suburban area or in the summer kitchen of a country house.

Cast iron stove in the interior

Cast iron stove stove in the interior

Chimney-burzhuyka in the interior photo

Chimney in the interior photo

Burzhuika with oven photo

Burger with oven photo

Boiler with oven and hob

Burger with oven and hob

Burger with hob

Burger with hob

The main feature of the stove is a rapid warm-up. The traditional kiln oven warms up the room for several hours, and the burzhuka copes with this task literally in ten minutes.

However, one of the drawbacks of a cast-iron stove-burzhuyki is that this device is unable to accumulate heat, that is, after the combustion of firewood or other material, its walls almost instantly cool. But modern manufacturers partially solved this problem by equipping the burzhuyk with a function of slow burning. Thanks to this function, one firewood tab burns in about 3-4 hours, while the air circulation in the chimney and the fire chamber slows down, and all the heat passes to the surface of the burger.

Another important advantage of the turbo charger is its safe use. Since the device is equipped with cast iron or metal legs, it does not come into contact with the floor, which, accordingly, significantly reduces the possibility of accidental ignition.

baking oven

Furnace burnt-iron cast-iron

Furnaces for burgers for holiday homes

Burger furnaces for country houses


Furnace for burial service for dachas

Installation process for burster

If you want to install the stove yourself at the dacha, first you need to find the right place for the appliance. Despite the fact that the furnace design meets all safety requirements, the device should not be installed on a flammable surface - plank floor, linoleum, carpet, etc. Also, its housing must not come into contact with inflammable furniture.

It is desirable that the chimney pipe from the stove of the burger for the dacha is located in the same room and secured without connections. If it is impossible to do without connections for technical reasons, the pipes should touch each other as tightly as possible without leaving gaps and holes. In cases where the chimney pipe passes through walls or ceiling, it is recommended to equip an additional thermal barrier using bricks, ceramic plates or other non-flammable materials.

In the garages, as well as utility rooms, homemade stove-burgers are often installed. This simple adaptation is convenient to make from such improvised means, as a gas cylinder, a cast-iron jar, etc. To make the simplest analogue of a burzhuyka, it is enough to cut out a door for a firebox in a hollow cast-iron or metal container and weld a hole for a chimney. However, a self-made stove-burger can only be used in rooms with good ventilation and a powerful exhaust system.

stove stove photo

Stove burzhuyka photo

firewood stoves

Stoves lighter on wood

Safety precautions for operation of the turbojet

As with any other heating device, during operation, the burglar requires certain safety rules:

  • First, regardless of the size of the structure, it is not necessary to put more burgers in the furnacethree kilograms of firewood or other fuel.
  • Secondly, during combustion, the door of the turbo should be tightly closed.
  • Thirdly, after using the ash box of the burger it is necessary to completely clean the ash.
  • Fourthly, during combustion, the body of the turbocharger is heated to very high temperatures, so do not touch it or leave the appliance unattended, especially if there are children in the house.
  • And, fifthly, in any case, do not use a stove with a broken or clogged pipe.

To completely eliminate the possibility of accidental contact with a burning furnace, it is recommended to install protective screens or wrought iron grates around the stove.

Stoves burzhujki for a summer residence and garage

Stoves Burgers for dachas and garages

how to install a burzhuyku in the country

How to install burzhuyku in the country

Design of modern burzhuyki

In addition to its multifunctionality, efficiency and ease of use, the modern stove is also attractive for its design. The design of this device is often decorated with forged elements, grilles and other decorative details, characteristic for retro style. If in your interior the emphasis is on modernity, you can choose the most concise and simple oven, made in the form of an oven or electronic fireplace.

Country oven stove photo

Furnace for a stove photo

Modern furnace oven

Modern stove for a burger

Beautiful and modern burzhuyka in the country

Beautiful and modern stove at a dacha photo

Fireplace at the dacha

Chimney at a dacha photo

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