What and how to build brick and concrete walls for wiring, tips and video

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During the repair of an apartment, and sometimes after the purchase of a new home appliance, it is necessary either to re-arrange the existing electrical wiring in the room, or to do a new "line" installation. In modern homes, and not only in high-rise buildings, mainly electric wiring of a hidden type is used. Wires are laid in special shtroby( channels), and they are plastered from above. Therefore, the question of how and what to wall the wall, there is always.

Brick and concrete wall

If the wall is brick, then there can be no special difficulties. All bricks are cemented together. With the help of an ordinary chisel and hammer, it is easy to make a groove in the mortar layer, where then lay the wire or cable. In the horizontal direction, there are no difficulties. When preparing the vertical part of the stunt, you will have to face the fact that there will not be a straight line.

I'll have to do the Strobl with some bends or punch brick. Brick silicate "processed" easily, and the "red" can be gently passed. Especially as the type of masonry is different, so you can grasp the brick wall without using an electric tool.

stroba bulgarian

Another thing is the concrete wall. It has increased durability, and if applied to it again using a chisel and a hammer, the laying of the wires will take a long time. Naturally, it is necessary to use other methods. There is such a tool as a shtoborez. It allows you to drill the required width and depth in virtually any material. But given its cost, it makes no sense to spend such money for its use for domestic purposes. It is better to use more common in everyday life power tools. But first some strobing rules.

How to frame the

  1. wiring is laid at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the ceiling. Therefore, if it is decided to conduct a new "thread" parallel to the old one, then it should be lowered slightly so as not to damage the previously laid one;
  2. wires are laid only in two directions: horizontal and vertical. It is forbidden to lay wires with diagonals, zigzags, etc.;
  3. if the plane has a slope( for example, an attic where the roof is also a wall), then the wire is laid parallel to the joint of the surfaces;
  4. it is forbidden to do sttrobye of great depth( for example, under the cable, thick wires) on the structural elements of the structure;
  5. the distance between the shroud and the gas pipe must be at least 40 cm.
 Council. After the Stroke is prepared, it is necessary to draw its drawing( sketch the layout of the gasket).This will be useful in the future. After all, something is forgotten, and at the next repair or re-planning it is possible to damage electroconducting.

Throwing the wall

by Bulgarian

This way of laying the shtroba is quite effective, but it is desirable to use it only as a last resort, if the wall is very solid. Or as "help" when working with another tool. The reason: the bulgarian creates a lot of dust. However, there are Bulgarians with a vacuum cleaner, but given the diameter of the circle, it is clear that in the corners of the room it can not do anything. Therefore, these places need to pass using another tool.


Wall punching is good if they are plastered, and the plaster layer is thick enough to hide the wires in it. Otherwise, without the help of the Bulgarians, it is unlikely to get through the whole wall. The perforator is used in different ways:

  • can be drilled along the planned line, which are then connected with a chisel and hammer with each other. The holes should be located as close as possible to each other;
  • you can buy a special stapling attachment.


As a rule, it is impossible to do all the work with one tool. Therefore, the main thing is to be able to "combine", depending on the state of a particular section of the wall.

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