Calculation of the number of sections in bimetal radiators

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Calculation of the number of sections in bimetal radiators

How to calculate the number of sections in bimetallic radiators - this question torments many people who have decided to change the heating system to homes.

After all, bimetal radiators are deservedly popular in many houses and apartments.

The ability to independently adjust the number of sections and calculate their required number allows you to easily select such a heating system, both for large offices, and for a very small room.

Today, bimetal heating radiators are becoming a real replacement for obsolete cast-iron batteries.

Sections correctly designed for room can give enough heat in cold weather.

At the same time they are quite easy to install in comparison with other heat sources, and also such radiators are of high quality, durability and reliability.

Their only disadvantage is the price.

Because of the complexity of construction and high cost of materials, these sections are not cheap, especially in comparison with the same cast-iron units.

Therefore, it is particularly important to know how to calculate the number of radiators, or rather, their sections.

This always takes into account such a characteristic as power. It is necessary to count it and take it into account with great responsibility.


The material from which the sections are made can also affect the calculation procedure, because different metals give out heat in different ways.

Therefore, before calculating the number of sections, it is necessary to understand how to choose such radiators and what their operating principle is.


  • Features of selection of bimetal radiators
  • Calculation of radiator power for heating
  • How many sections should be in the radiator?
  • Additional odds and nuances

Features of choice of bimetal radiators

For modern heating, modern and compact bimetal radiators are installed in the room. Such designs are equally well suited for both a private house and an apartment.

Actually, the name "bimetallic" appeared from the dual structure of the device. Inside the radiator there is a steel core, and outside - aluminum fins.

It is estimated that steel and aluminum will be the ideal combination for the heating system, since the first provides maximum tensile strength, and the second has excellent thermal conductivity.

In addition, these metals provide an excellent combination for both apartments and a frequent home.

It turns out that such sections are ideal for projects for central and private heating.

The fact is that both aluminum and steel perfectly withstand pressure drops in any system, which makes them quite versatile.

For example, if one apartment uses copper pipes and the other one is aluminum, there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, you can choose combinations with copper, which is also in demand in the radiator market. But the cost of copper today is impressive.

Comparison of radiators

If you have one small room in the apartment - then this is not the worst option. But for a house in several rooms, the replacement of radiators can be quite expensive.

In general, we can distinguish such basic types of radiators:

  • The most traditional are cast iron structures. They have a long service life, heat and pressure are good, but they are extremely cumbersome, they are difficult to change;
  • Aluminum sections, the number of which may not be very large, show remarkable power, are relatively inexpensive, while their appearance fits perfectly into many interior solutions;
  • Bimetal radiators are in high demand today, because they combine several advantages from a pair of metals. It is also believed that they give up heat quickly and qualitatively, than they have found the glory of an affordable heating system;
  • There is also a category of steel radiators, which are made of high-strength raw materials. Correctly calculated number of such sections allows to heat the necessary area without difficulty.

Whichever type and number of sections is selected, do not forget that over time such a heating system will lose its power and heat output.

Choosing more powerful designs, you can reduce the load on the boiler. Therefore, it is believed that by calculating the number of required sections, it is necessary to take a couple of options more for the stock.

To calculate the correct number of elements, take into account the technical characteristics, heat transfer and power of each section.

Such parameters are indicated in the device's passport. Also estimate the area of ​​the house or apartment.

Calculation of the radiator power for heating

When choosing the number of sections for heating the room, the question will be natural: should I buy a large but warm radiator, or confine myself to a small and hot model?

When installing small batteries with time, you can simply increase the temperature of the coolant, which is also called "high temperature heating".


You can calculate the heat transfer by all the rules for a particular house or room, how much heat you need for heating and the exact parameters of the batteries.

Here it is assumed that the radiator will work at a lower power. Obviously, with this option, the safety against overheating will be palpable, and it will be possible to save on heating.

After all, often with high temperature heating bimetallic radiators are so warmed up that you can burn yourself with a palm pressed to them.

Therefore, to heat a room, you need to choose the low-temperature method.

After determining the type of heating, you can go to the calculation of the area of ​​bimetallic radiators. And this can not be done without knowing the power of the batteries, otherwise the room temperature will be far from comfortable.

To calculate how much concrete bimetallic sections you need, you need to know the volume of the room. To do this, the length of the room should be multiplied by the height of the ceilings and the width of the room.

The required power or heat depends on the type of room.

For example, if you calculate the indicators for a panel apartment that has good wall insulation, then one cubic meter will account for 0.04 kW.

When it comes to modern houses, where all the norms of thermal insulation are met, the power is only 0.02 kW per 1 cubic meter of the room.

It is also important to take into account in bimetal radiators for heating such an indicator as the nominal heat flow.

On how much this value is, the speed of heating the room and the movement of the coolant in the sections depends. This parameter should always be known from the sellers or in the product passport.

How many sections should be in the radiator?

Perhaps, to calculate the number of sections that should be in a bimetallic radiator for sufficient heating, it is extremely important for the premise that it is not constantly cold and uncomfortable.

You need to use a special formula. So, first multiply the room volume by the characteristic of the amount of thermal energy( for each type of room has its own values).


The resulting number is divided by the nominal battery current. That's why we talked about the fact that this value should be learned in advance in the store or on the manufacturer's website.

Perhaps the result can not be called a whole, so it is rounded up. For example, if you get 9.2, you need to round it to 10.

However, how will this number of sections be used? You can put one radiator in 10 compartments, or choose two designs of five elements each.

Here you need to evaluate the heating power, as well as the area of ​​the room. For example, if the room is quite large, then it is more logical to use more than one heating device.

It is possible to calculate the circulation of the warm air flow in addition, but without it it is clear that several heat sources that will evenly heat the area - this is better than one bimetallic radiator.

Additional coefficients and nuances of

It should be understood that the above method, which allows calculating the power and number of required sections, is very simplistic.

It is suitable for standard houses, in which the height of ceilings, for example, does not exceed three meters, and the coolant flows through the pipes, the temperature of which is not higher than 70 degrees.

So, if you live in a cold region, where in winter time the temperature is much lower than typical indicators, you must multiply the received figures by a correction factor of 1.1.

Actually this is for the regions of the North, but not for the middle band.

And if the room is angular, then this is also taken into account. Here you need to multiply the results by 1.2.In addition, each window adds power consumption per 100 watts.

This is due to the fact that even with good thermal insulation through the cracks, still a small amount of cold air gets into the room.

Also if the room occupies more than 25 square meters, there is little standard heating. The result is multiplied by another 1.2.

If the temperature of the coolant in the batteries is less than 50 degrees, calculations must be made when taking into account( multiplication) by a factor of 1.5.


The place of installation of bimetal radiators also plays a role. It is best to install them under the windows to cover the heat loss in this place.

It is also necessary to select designs in the already assembled form, if you plan to install it yourself.

It is not easy to connect all sections correctly, because they must withstand very high pressures.

It is better to plan the connection plan in advance, make a detailed plan, measure out all dimensions.

It is worthwhile to understand that there are several connection schemes for heating. At lower connection heat losses are considered large.

It is better to give preference to the lateral or diagonal mounting process.

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