Glass interiors in the interior - gluing and painting of fiberglass wallpaper

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The types of wall coverings produced by modern industry are able to amaze many people with unsophisticated people in construction. One has only to get into a big specialized store and the head just explodes from the presented abundance of all kinds of wallpaper. In addition to the usual vinyl, non-woven and paper coatings, there are many so-called decorative wallpapers: bamboo, textile, cork and even surviving to the present day wallpaper originated from a deep antiquity called linkrust.

All of them have certain, inherent only to them, features and qualities - it is to this group of unusual wallpapers that glass mesh can be attributed. In this article we describe the advantages of this type of wallpaper, as well as how to properly glue and paint them.

The initial designation of glass walls was limited only by its protective properties - woven glass fibers practically do not pass water, you can even say that it repels it. It is for this reason that the glass walls of the have been used in rooms with high humidity, for example, they are an excellent opportunity to prevent moisture from entering the drywall, thereby preventing its swelling. So, if you are planning to build a pool in the house or a dressing room to the sauna, then paste the glassworks on the plasterboard surface - this is exactly what the "doctor prescribed".

The field of application of modern fiberglass in the interior is much more extensive than that of their predecessors - they differ in their huge structural diversity. The relief surface achieved with the help of a multi-faced weaving of fine fibers of molten glass can have not only a different structure, but virtually any pattern available for such a method of creation. This is something like knitting - they use different principles of weaving and different color of the thread.

In its majority, almost all glass mills are produced in one tone and require subsequent painting. The fact is that the use of colored fiber for their creation requires a large financial cost, and the cost of colored glass walls is quite high - that is why, in order to reduce the cost, they are produced in monophonic form. Buying glass walls for painting for decoration of your interior, you save much on repair, because they can be repainted in the future.

Steklooboi in the interior photo

Steklooboi in the interior photo

Steklooboi in the interior photo

Steklooboi in the interior Photo

How to glue glass mural with your own hands

Even if the wallpaper is made of an unusual material, this does not mean that the process of their gluing to the surface is available exclusively to qualified specialists. There are, of course, their subtleties and nuances, but if desired, they can always be understood, even by trial and error.

As with the wallpapering of any type of wallpaper, it is very important to join the fabrics - you should ensure that the edges of the fabric do not get torn and that individual fibers do not peel off from it. These so-called "renegades" are able to sufficiently spoil the overall picture of the interior.

An important moment when pasting glass mural is the selection of a drawing. As a rule, the step of the pattern applied to the glass pane is small( within five, a maximum of fifteen centimeters), so do not expect a large overexpenditure of the material.

Many for some reason believe that the glass masonry badly succumb to cutting. There are absolutely no problems here. Yes, blades blunt a little faster - just buy them with a margin, because they are worth a penny.

The biggest problem when pasting walls with glass mural is the corners, or rather, the internal corner joints. The overlap is almost impossible to paste, and the bends of the canvas will not lead to anything good - that's why when cutting corners they are cut clearly on the corner, without any overlaps. You understand that in such a situation the angle should be formed almost perfectly. For minor flaws in the work with the blade, you can make a small discount - the angle can additionally be walked by putty( according to the principle of grouting tile seams in the corners of the room) and after painting these flaws will disappear.

In all the rest, the principle of gluing glass-fiber does not differ from the pasting of any other types of wallpaper. It is very important to understand that any glue is not suitable for their gluing - you need a special composition for fiberglass wallpaper. And otherwise everything is the same - the same platens and spatulas for leveling the cloth, the same rags for removing the glue residues and the same razor sharp knives.

how to glue glass walls

How to glue glass walls

Painting glass walls - highlights of

The painting principle for glass walls remains unchanged. No difference what to paint - glass wall or just puttyped wall. Here everything depends only on what you want to get. Do you want the paint to penetrate deeply into the structure and paint all in one tone - arm with a structural roller, you want to leave some white veins - this is more suitable for a thicker foam rubber roller.

The most important moment in the painting of glass walls is their complete drying. And they dry a little longer than normal wallpaper - in any case, you do not need to rush. Day or two weather will not do, but the quality of the final result can affect significantly.

Stained glass under painting

Steklopoji under painting

Stained glass under painting photo

Steklooboji under painting photo

As you can see, special complexity in pasting walls with glass mural and their painting is not present. Let your walls please you with beauty, practicality and durability.

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