How and what to spend the spring processing of the garden from pests and diseases - tips

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1 Spring is notable for the fact that it is the beginning of a new season for summer residents, who have been looking forward to meeting their garden / garden for so many months. But here it goes in different ways. And what needs to be done immediately, after we arrived, changed our clothes and left our house?

It's right to look around. And not only for the purpose of determining what in our winter, perhaps, was lost, where it "sagged", washed away with thawed water and so on. All this is important and necessary. But the plantations themselves require the same close attention.

How to start

Delete everything that will further interfere with the development of plants - garbage caused by the wind on the territory over the winter, old bird nests, dried bark and so on. One of the important stages in the preparation of the garden is pruning of bushes and trees. The importance of this work and the technology of its conduct is well described here. This is what should be done before tackling the spring treatment of pests and diseases.

There is probably no point in talking about how garden pests are classified and what means to fight them, for the reason that not every summer resident will be able to independently identify signs of the presence of some of them on the site. And although we most of those who "registered" in our area for permanent residence, literally know "in person", it is still desirable to use drugs that are considered universal. Such processing, "for the future," is more expedient and effective.

spreadsheet Some difficulty in choosing the means is that some cost( in relation to our wallet) a little expensive, while others still need to be able to get, especially if you live in a small village.

Therefore, we will focus on the most accessible and common, the effectiveness of which is proved not by intrusive advertising, but by long-term use.

Preparations for the processing of plantations

Sulfur colloid

By the way, she also has an analog - "Neoron".Many pests choose a place for wintering in the bark of trees and large shrubs( for example, mites).These drugs are "aimed" at him in the first place.


This tool is known to any trucker. But do all know exactly what gives its use. First, , if they spray plants, it destroys pests that settle on leaves, twigs and trunks. Secondly , when watering the solution is absorbed into the soil and has a beneficial effect on the root system. That is why, as a result of its systematic use, there is a rapid growth of garden plantations.

Here the main thing is to know the measure. Too concentrated solution should not be done. Enough for a bucket of warm water 400 - 500 g of substance.

Feature: Urea needs to be diluted exactly as much as necessary for processing right now. The remaining "for later", "in reserve" is ineffective, and there will be no sense from it.

"Bordeaux" liquid

It is mainly recommended to use in cases if in the past season, facts or even signs of disease of plants with infectious diseases were noted. But according to the concentration of solutions, opinions differ. Someone recommends using 1%, someone - 3%.


Pretty new drug, but the reviews are good. In the process of processing the garden, it is necessary to pay attention to such not-visited guests as mites, aphids, leaf-blocks. These insects have been laying eggs since autumn, which successfully survive the winter. As a result, young individuals are already beginning an active activity in early spring.

An effective method of controlling them is spraying with a solution of prophylaxis. This is done when the average daily temperature does not drop below +4 ° C.

This tool is equally well suited for combating a leaf roller, pseudo-scabbard, a badger and some other "enemies".The cost of a standard can - from 310 rubles. At 4 - 6 buckets are enough.

Copper vitriol

spray It is considered a remedy for all diseases, therefore it is used both for solving domestic problems( fungus, mold) and garden ones.

It is possible to recommend a number of other drugs:

  • from insects - decis, kinmics, tanrek, potassium chloride( 10%);
  • from infectious diseases - chorus, phytospirin.

Than to make processing

The most effective method - with the help of a garden sprayer. But modern products, all the main parts of which are made of plastic, quite often break. There is a question, how to get out of the situation, after all, do not go to the store for as many kilometers? In addition, if the solution is already prepared.

  • Hand pump. It is clear that a long time, and will have to work hard.
  • A whitewash brush( maklovitsa).If to adapt, the result will be good. True, and the consumption of the solution is appropriate.
  • Plastic bottle.

By the way, many "folk craftsmen" often use this common packaging, and for completely different purposes. For example, to "break through" the blockage in the toilet. But how to use it to spray trees or shrubs?

Several holes are made in the cover with a nail. After filling the container it remains to tighten it on the neck and squeeze out the solution with vigorous pressing on the bottle walls. Someone will seem ridiculous, but one 2 liters of a glass is enough for processing several trees. It is checked many times by practice. You just need to choose the right bottle. More "durable" products - thick-walled. Mostly in such sell beer.

Time of work

  • Weather - windless, with no signs of precipitation. Otherwise, the entire solution, before it has absorbed, will be washed to the ground.
  • Clocks - it's better to start cultivating the plantations in the morning, when the sun only appears on the horizon.

Spraying order

Here everything is simple, and the algorithm of actions is as follows: branches( starting from the top) - bottom of the trunk - ground around it.


Practical advice to

Every horticulturist knows which of the pests are most "tormented" by plants on a particular plot. That's the fight with the most common "enemies" and you need to focus.

How to calculate how much to purchase? It is clear that the instructions for use indicate its own formulation.

Therefore it is possible to be guided by such approximate data on the flow( in "l"):

  1. trees - from 1.5( "young") to 5.5( adults);
  2. bushes - about 0.6 - 1.3( depends on the size of the "crown").

Naturally, the entire range of commercially available drugs listed in one article is unrealistic. But even those indicated are sufficient to reliably protect plantations from pests.

You just need to follow the recommendations for the preparation of solutions and do not forget that this work should be done constantly. A one-time action of the result does not.

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