The construction of the stairs to the second floor with their own hands

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The construction of the stairs to the second floor with their own hands

Practice shows that in a private house the staircase to the second floor is often done by oneself, without involving specialists from outside.

Building your house is a complicated and responsible business.

Starting the design, you have to take into account a large number of details and nuances.

Interior design is an important part of the overall project.

It is in this section that a decision is made on how to make a ladder to the second floor so that it performs its functions.

This device also serves to connect the floors of the house, and is an important element in the interior design.

Performing preliminary calculations, you must equally take into account the design of the structure, functionality and strength.


  • Staircase - interior element
  • Which material to choose?
  • Calculation and assembly of the ladder
    • Basic elements of the ladder
    • Applicable norms
    • Angle of inclination and width of the ladder
    • Tread width and riser height
  • Ladder on the strings
  • Ladder on the strings
  • General rules

The staircase is an element of the interior

Many works are carried out in the construction and arrangement of a private houseown hands.

In order for the quality of the work to comply with all applicable rules and regulations, the performer should be properly prepared.

At first glance, it may seem - the stairs to the second floor are simple and can be built in a short period of time.

In this approach there is a rational grain, if you know about what stairs are:

  • bolted;
  • screw;
  • marching;
  • rotary.

By giving preference to a certain type, it is necessary to take into account the design of the room, as well as the material used.

Marching stairs to the second floor are widely used both in the residential building and at the dacha. This type is easiest to assemble and install with your own hands. A continuous series of steps is called a march.

The photo shows a simple march structure set along the wall. Such a structure is capable of withstanding heavy loads.

March staircase

When moving furniture or other large items from one floor to another, you do not have to worry - the flight of stairs has a high degree of strength.

The optimal number of stages on one span varies from 3 to 15. It should be emphasized that this type of device occupies a considerable area.

Before making a final decision, you need to calculate all possible options.

All march structures are divided into the following models:

  • open or closed;
  • straight or swivel;
  • are sluggish or tethered.

The easiest way is to construct an open construction of the direct type to the second floor with your own hands. If you look at rotary products, then in their type they are classified as marching.

Rotary types of products are divided into rectilinear and curvilinear.

Curvilinear are installed with a turn - by 90 degrees - a quarter turn, 180 - half-turn, 360 - circular.

To calculate any of the listed constructions, you need to use a special calculator.

The spiral staircase is similar in appearance to a spiral. When creating a room design, the screw structure is often selected by the center of the composition.

The diameter of the spiral, as a rule, does not exceed 1.5 meters. This device is used when there is not enough free space in the room. Place the construction more often in the corner of the room.

The inconvenience of such a ladder is that its dimensions do not allow you to lift upward volumetric objects.

Practice shows that the manufacture of a screw structure with their own hands up to the second floor requires the artist to have a good preparation, the ability to own the instrument and read the blueprints.

The ladder, which is fixed on the bolts, has an external resemblance to the march construction.

The principal difference is that the steps in this case are attached to metal bolts, which are called bolts.

This type of device assumes a solid concrete or brick wall. Specialists who develop interior design, like to work with such decor elements.

The video shows the process of installing a ladder to the second floor, which is assembled with the use of bolts.


If all actions are accurately calculated, then on metal bolts it is possible to assemble with their own hands a spiral staircase in the house or at the dacha.

Which material to choose?

Calculation of the staircase for strength is carried out at the design stage. The design of the room is also developed in advance.

In the process of preparatory work and activities it is very important to determine from what material the staircase will be built up to the second floor.

Many years of experience show that the correctly selected material determines both the strength and appearance of the device.

For the construction of a staircase in a private house, the following materials are used:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • stone.

Drawing out sketches and working drawings of stairs, you need to take into account the features of the house. In a cottage built of brick, it is appropriate to a concrete staircase.

The steps of the ladder are considered the most loaded elements. They are made from noble wood, which has a high resistance to wear.

For these purposes, oak, pine, ash are used. Under the appropriate conditions, they can be cut and installed with their own hands.

Summer staircases are harvested from the lumber that are available. Stairs made of stone are also in demand.


However, it is practically impossible to calculate and manufacture these products from marble or porcelain stoneware. In this case, you need to contact the stone-working workshop.

Stair fences with aluminum or stainless steel elements are well suited to the design of the room.

A suitable material is selected after the calculation of the geometric parameters of the ladder is completed.

If the design of the room is designed in the style of Hi-Tech, then the wooden staircase to the second floor in the style of Country will be inappropriate.

Concrete construction with high-quality decoration can be used in the interior of the classical style. The construction of private houses and cottages is at a high pace.

In order to fix some flaws, you have to spend significant resources.

Taking into account this circumstance, it is necessary to analyze in due time and in detail the projects submitted for consideration. Each element of the structure should harmoniously fit into the overall scheme.

Calculation and assembly of stairs

Building your own house, decorating the interior and improving the surrounding area with your own hands, the process is complex and time-consuming.

Starting the construction of the hoist to the second floor, the following circumstances should be taken into account:

  1. total area and layout of the cottage;
  2. number and age of residents;
  3. the frequency of walking.

First you need to determine the geometric shape of the staircase to the second floor. At the usual march staircase, the opening has a square or rectangular shape.

The screw structure looks like a circle in the drawing.

The video shows a staircase of the simplest kind. It is not at all necessary to strive for the realization of a complex construction.


The main elements of the ladder

The photo shows the most common design of the flight ladder, which is assembled from wooden elements.

A flight span is a series of tearing lines that are oriented in a straight line. The turntable is the place where the direction of the march is changing.

Wooden staircase

The riser is the vertical part of the step, and the tread is horizontal. The structure of the flight ladder includes a kosour. It is a bearing beam, on which the steps are fastened.

On the other hand, the steps are attached to a string that joins them in one piece.

The tread and riser dimensions should be calculated based on the total length of the march.

The manufacture of all elements of the device requires accuracy of marking and accuracy during installation. The video clip shows how to calculate the basic dimensions of the outbreak in a particular situation.

For a flight of stairs, the width should be at least 80 cm. The maximum length of the march is determined by the specific dimensions of the room.


When assembling the stairs to the second floor with your own hands, you should strictly follow the sequence of installation work.

Each element, be it a baluster or a frieze step, must have a strict geometric shape. Otherwise, the design as a whole will yield a curve and, as a consequence, unstable.

Current standards

Any design in the house, and above all the staircase to the second floor, collected by hand, should provide people with comfortable living conditions and ensure safety.

Building codes developed on the basis of ergonomic parameters are designed for a person of medium build.

If the steps are made too high, it will be difficult to climb them.

On the small steps when climbing a person often stumbles. To avoid such situations, you need to perform an accurate design calculation.

All dimensions must be within the recommendations given in the SNIP.

The angle and width of the ladder

The wider the staircase, the more comfortable it is to climb up to the second floor. When the product is designed to pass one person, the width should be at least 0.8 m.

When the calculation is carried out for two people, the width must be kept at least 1.0 m. The photo shows a diagram showing the optimal value forinclination angle.

Tilt Chart

It's easy to calculate and make sure that the smaller the angle, the more space you need for the ladder.

Optimum for walking on the stairs to the second floor is considered an angle of inclination ranging from 30 to 45 degrees. The size of the structure is important in small rooms.

Tread width and height of the

riser The ladder to the second floor is mounted quickly provided that all the elements are ready.

When calculating the width of the tread and the height of the riser, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of the design, not forgetting about the design. The length of the step in a person of average height is 65 cm.

Based on this constant, it is calculated that the width of the tear should be within 34-38 cm. And the height of the riser is in the interval 14-18 cm.

In the photo you can see the explanatory sketch that shows the fragmentstairs in a section. The width of the tread must correspond to the size of the shoe 42.

Fragments of steps: a - height and width of the normal stage;b - width of the narrow end of the step of the spiral staircase;c - a fragment of a spiral staircase;d - section of the ladder.

And yet, experts recommend making the number of steps in the march odd. It is more convenient for a person to start and finish climbing the stairs to the second floor with the same foot.

Ladder on the oblique

When choosing a material for the manufacture of Kosowr, you need to orient yourself on the previously made calculation. The video shows how the marking is done, and the kerchiefs are cut to fit the steps.


Kosouirs are assembled from boards with a width of 25-30 cm and a thickness of 5-7 cm. Taking care of the manufacture of the staircase elements with your own hands, you need to accurately mark out the future kosour.

For these purposes, you need to make a simple template. And already by pattern cut the notches under the step. The next step is to install and secure the strips to the project sites.

The strength of fixing to the floor and wall needs to be paid special attention. Fix the guides using self-tapping screws or nails.

When oblongs are exposed and fixed in their places, one can proceed to flooring and fixation with treads. The video shows the process of assembling the staircase to the second floor.


The manufacturing and fixing of the treads must be carried out strictly according to the installation places. This means that treads and risers should be of the same size.

The design of the structure is formed by the severity of the lines. In turn, this position is achieved with minimal differences in the geometric shape of identical elements.

Before making a ladder to the second floor, it makes sense to order all the components in the woodworking plant, and make the assembly yourself.

Ladder on the strings

Considering all known types of stairs, very often the choice is made in favor of assembly on the strings. Making such a staircase to the second floor is most easily done by yourself.

A bowstring is a load-bearing beam on which steps are attached. In contrast to the oblique beam, in the string are cut grooves for fastening the steps.

The design of the building does not deteriorate, but the technology of preparation and installation is greatly simplified.

Depending on the specific conditions, the construction of such an assembly can be carried out in a simplified manner.

Instead of choosing grooves for fixing the treads, you can fix them using a metal corner.

The video shows how to fasten the steps to the strings with a groove, a metal corner and a wooden bar. In this way compact ladders are assembled in small rooms.


When installing the structure, special attention should be paid to fixing the base to the floor and the upper part to the beam.

If a flight of stairs to the second floor is adjacent to the wall, then you need to attach a string to it, using self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

The design of the device on the strings should fit into the interior of the room.

General rules

When the internal arrangement of a private house is completed, the staircase to the second floor occupies an important place in this process. About how to build it, said a lot and shown in the video.

When installing a device of any kind, it is important to observe the following rule: the steps must be parallel to the floor.

Fixing them at design points, it is necessary to provide places and devices for fixing the fence.

Railings are put in order to ensure safety when you regularly move up the stairs to the second floor.

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