Installation of a warm floor under linoleum

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Installation of a warm floor under linoleum

Create in the interior of the house the optimum temperature regime allows a warm floor under the linoleum, the installation of which can be done manually.

It is the linoleum that is considered to be one of the most popular floor coverings, which can be laid on both wooden and concrete floors.

As you know, conventional radiators heat the apartment or house not quite evenly, and the installation of a warm floor allows you to create the most optimal temperature regime in the interior.

To date, there are several types of warm floors, but not each of them is suitable for linoleum because of the specific qualities of the latter.

In addition, the laying of linoleum on top of the warm floor has its own nuances and features.

At present, the most common are infrared electric and water-heated floors, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To lay a warm floor with your own hands, you need to understand the features of each underfloor and study the specifics of linoleum.

More details on laying the underfloor under flooring, can be found in the video below.


  • Specificity of heated floors
  • Selection of linoleum
  • Construction of floor with water coolant
  • Device of electric floor with heating

Specificity of heated floors

According to the principle of arrangement, the warm floor can be either electric or water, which in turn has several different varieties.

In the first case, heat is generated by converting the energy of electricity into thermal energy. It connects to the mains supply network through a special relay that regulates its operation.

In turn, when installing a heated water floor, the main source of heat is the heated water entering the pipes from a stationary heating system.

In this case, the water coolant circulates through pipes arranged in a special order.

Water floor

Both, and the other warm floor under certain conditions can be arranged under linoleum.

In order to understand which linoleum floor is the most optimal and effective, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of each of them.

It should be noted that in view of its design features, the water principle of underfloor heating is most often used in private houses, in turn, electric infrared is used in apartments.

In view of the fact that the floor with water heating must be connected to a stationary heating system, it is not advisable to make it in apartments.

As a rule, the heating system, especially in private homes, is not designed to use additional elements connected to it, and may simply not cope with the increased load.

In multi-apartment buildings of new construction, as well as private buildings, the heating system is arranged a little on a different principle, and therefore the possibility of installing a warm floor with a water coolant can be successfully applied.

It should also be noted that when installing such a floor it is necessary to reduce the height of the room, as it implies the arrangement of the screed.

It should also be noted and the different inertia, which have electric and water warm floors. The film infrared has the property to warm up and cool more quickly.

Infrared Floor

In turn, the water floor more slowly recovers the set temperature and more slowly cools. In addition, the floor with the water coolant is safer for health than the electric one that generates radiation.

Selecting linoleum

Choosing a warm floor for linoleum, it is also important to decide what material is best to choose as a floor covering.

At present, you can choose a linoleum made of both artificial and natural materials.

When using a material made from natural components, you can be sure that this coating will have good water resistance and resistance to burning.

This linoleum is absolutely non-toxic and does not have the property of accumulating static stress.

Its substrate has a sufficient thickness, which is capable of ensuring the safety of the face layer.

Under the infrared heating of the floor is best to choose this type of linoleum, which is also easy to lay.

When buying linoleum made from natural components, it is necessary to pay attention to what material is used for its substrate, and it is better if it is also made of natural ingredients.

It should be noted that in some cases it is possible to use this type of flooring made of artificial components.

As a rule, artificial linoleum is produced from various types of resins, polyvinylchloride, polyester and so on, and in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which its substrate is made.

If linoleum is laid on an artificial basis, the substrate of which is capable of effectively resisting high temperatures, then the operation of the warm floor will have to be constantly monitored.

It is impossible for the linoleum to overheat, as otherwise its overheating may occur, and this threatens with the appearance of unpleasant and harmful smells, as well as the color change on its front part.

Composition of linoleum

When choosing a linoleum, you should first pay attention to the material from which its substrate is made.

Linoleum made of artificial components is better for use under a warm floor with a water coolant.

Floor structure with water coolant

If the heated floor under the linoleum is made on the principle of water heating, then first of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the concrete floor in the room.

To do this, the entire base should be cleaned of dirt and debris, leveled, after which a special heat-insulating layer is laid on top of it, which will not allow heat to leave the room.

For these purposes it is recommended to use either foam or special polystyrene plates.

Next, cover the entire rough surface of the base with a strong polyethylene film, and mount the damper strip around the perimeter of the room.

After this, it is necessary to make reinforcement with the help of a special metal mesh, after which the installation of a special strip for laying the pipe.

Water floor

Next, the collector is installed by its own hands, which will be responsible for the distribution of the water flow, and also the mixing group will be installed.

After all the preparatory work, which is carried out on a concrete foundation, the installation of pipes begins. They should be laid in the form of a coil and fixed on the armature.

This can be done by using special fastening clamps.

After the pipes have been laid in a certain sequence and connected to the common system, it is necessary to check the tightness of the pipes and their joints.

For this, the system is filled with water under pressure. If the tests went without comment, then proceed to pour the main screed.

The concrete floor should be smooth and smooth. Next, the concrete is laid linoleum.

In order for the substrate material to take the correct shape, it is recommended to start simply lay the linoleum and turn on the heating system for two days. Only after this, finally fix the linoleum in place.

More details on how to carry out your own hands with a water-heated floor can be seen in the video below.


Electrical floor heating with heating

When laying on a concrete roughing floor of film electric heating, the base must be carefully prepared. The screed should be completely cleaned of debris and dust and made as flat as possible.

After that the special film with heat-reflecting properties is laid. This insulation is fixed to the base with the help of an adhesive tape.

Further on top of it, the pre-prepared heating elements are laid.

It should be checked that the contacts of the individual strips do not touch each other.

To avoid further displacement of the heating bands, they should be attached to the black base and this can be done with an adhesive tape or a stapler.

After this, it is necessary to draw the supply ends of the wires and lead them to the power supply.

At the final stage of installation it is necessary to carefully check the reliability of the fastening of all incoming leads and insulation.

After complete installation of the infrared film, it is necessary to install a special regulating relay and check the floor in operation.

Further over the electrical stripes of the warm floor is laid polyethylene film, which must completely cover the surface of the base.

Under no circumstances should the floor heating be filled with a concrete screed.

It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood or chipboard on the top of the film, pretreated with special protective compounds. Only after this, linoleum is laid.

As in the case of the water floor, in order for the substrate material to take the correct shape, it is necessary to switch on the heating for two days.

Only after the linoleum substrate has assumed the shape of the base, the material is finally fixed in place.

To learn more about how to make the installation of an electric heated floor with your own hands, you can watch the video below.


The warm floor makes it possible to create the most optimal temperature in the house. It is allowed to lay linoleum on top of it, however, for this purpose it is necessary to take into account the specificity of this material.

In any case, with certain rules and technology for installing a warm floor, all work can be done by one's own hands in the shortest possible time.

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