How to sew warm curtains on the windows with your own hands

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Contents of the article:

  • 1 A simple recipe for warm curtains
  • 2 Removing the measurements of the future warm curtains
  • 3 Putting on the case

This is especially true for regions with a cold climate. After all, no matter how good the windows were, no matter how well the heating worked, it still chills in the frosts of the window panes. This creates discomfort if you are sitting nearby. And it reduces the energy efficiency of housing, which has been much talked about in recent years - both in terms of saving heating costs, and in the light of the struggle for ecology.


Warm curtains on the window. Photo

How to sew a warm curtain with your own hands? To find out what is needed for this, and in what order to build the process, a simple master class will help.

A simple recipe for warm curtains

As you know, the more layers, the warmer. This principle, which is valid for clothes, is also used for creating warm curtains. They are made of several cloths of different types of fabric. It is important to follow the recommendations of specialists - then everything will turn out exactly as it should.

You will need:

  • material that will create a decorative layer;it can be any decorative fabric;
  • material for the wrong side portieres( opaque);it can also be decorative;
  • is a special fabric with the property of reflecting heat - something like felt;this will help to make really warm curtains on the window.

Warm curtains on windows made of such materials will be well protected from drafts and from the cold coming from the windows. You also need an ordinary sewing machine, a needle, threads, scissors and a tailor's meter.

Take measurements of future warm curtains

The first step is how to sew a warm curtain - to measure the window. It is necessary to remove from him the measurements for height and width. Do this advise carefully.

Warm curtains can be made in different sizes. Usually their dimensions are the same as those of conventional curtains: length to the very floor.
Having decided on the width and length of the curtains, you need to add another two centimeters to the allowances - on the decorative and purl fabrics. Heat-reflecting fabric is cut exactly according to the size of the curtains.


How to sew warm curtains. Photo master-class

We put on the case

Then the work pieces are stacked with each other. At first, the matter is decorative and opaque placed one on top of the other so that the facial surfaces are inside. The edges of the parts must match exactly.


Then on the sewing machine line a line at a distance of two centimeters from the edge of each edge. Turn the part out and iron the edges well.


Now it is necessary to place in this "cover" the heat-reflecting material. This can be done in two ways: insert the fabric inside, or put a "cover" on it as it is done with pillowcases and a pillow.


Warm curtains. Master class

When this is done, the edges of this multi-layered "pie" are chipped on the front side with pins and detached along the perimeter.

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Now you need to attach the curtain braid to the top of the curtains or decorate it in another way, for example, using eyelets or sew the hinges, or do something else. Warm curtains on the windows with their own hands are ready.

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