How to bend a drywall for an arch with video

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How to bend drywall for an arch Photo How to bend a drywall for an arch video.

Four ways to bend the drywall

Many people who are just starting to work with materials such as gypsum plasterboard often face the question - how do you bend this material? Many people think that it is difficult to do this, but the situation is completely different, and it is easier to do than it seems at first glance. But before proceeding to the methods of bending the wall and ceiling gipsokartonnogo sheet, it is necessary to introduce one more kind of this material, which is intended for this particular case. Installation of a false ceiling from plasterboard of various forms will be given easier, if you know the data below the methods and video example below.

Special kind of drywall, which is designed for bends and shaping the necessary forms - arched plasterboard GKLA.The thickness of this sheet is 6.5 millimeters. This kind of this material, thanks to its elastic forms, flexes without special efforts and makes it possible to create various arches, half-arches, various curvilinear figures, as well as figures domed and wavy. Of course, arched gypsum cardboard also has its maximum bend radius, but still it is much more significant than the bending radius of the ceiling or wall gypsum board. And due to the fact that the frame for arch gypsum board is assembled from special, for this case, profiles, which have side cuts on the side walls, this material can be smoothly bent.

But if a person does not have an arched GKLA on hand, there are some tips that can help to cope with this task, even using other kinds of drywall sheet, and a video lesson will help visually observe the process.

The first way to bend a drywall:

The most effective and common way is then. What you just need to moisten on one side a sheet of drywall with the most ordinary water. The thing is that gypsum itself is very soft and porous material, due to which it absorbs moisture very quickly and well and becomes even softer, but when it dries it hardens and retains a new one. Acquired form. To do this, take a brush or roller and a few times soak the sheet of drywall with water at room temperature. Now it is worth waiting for about five, and preferably fifteen minutes for it to get completely wet and become soft. Then you can start bending the material the way you need it. But it's worth to know that this method is perfect only if the radius of bending is large, as with a small radius the material can simply break or crack.
But in order to make a bend with a small radius it is necessary to resort to other methods of working with gypsum board, because ordinary water here simply does not help.

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The second way to bend the plasterboard for the arch:

Needle roller photo The easiest option in the case of bending with a small radius is the use of a special needle roller. It is necessary to walk with such a roller on both sides of the sheet, thereby perforating the cardboard and a small layer of gypsum. This method allows you to make a gypsum plasterboard sheet lattice, so that the sheet will bend much easier. But before starting to bend it, it is worth dousing it with water, that it would become even softer. Water should be at room temperature.

The third way to bend drywall:

If it happened that you did not have a needle roller, or you could not find it, then you can use a sharp knife. To do this, you need to make small incisions, cutting through the cardboard, but only on one side of the drywall sheet. Cuttings should be done every one to five centimeters, perpendicular to the bend. It is necessary to know that the smaller the radius of bending, the more often it is necessary to place incisions. If the structure is concave, the incisions need to be made from the inside of the sheet, and if the material needs to be bent outwards, then the incisions are made from the front side. To wet before folding gypsum cardboard in this case it is not necessary. But this method is good in that the bend radius can be less than using a needle roller.

The fourth way to bend drywall for an arch:

If it happened that you need to bend the sheet of drywall to a very small radius, then it is worthwhile to resort to another method, since all the previous ones may not be suitable here. To do this, you need a milling cutter. If it is not, then you can do with a knife. But it is worthwhile to warn at once - it will be very long and not as smooth as we would like. The milling cutter should be set to a depth, that it would choose almost all the gypsum, leaving about one or three millimeters. The bands in the drywall sheet are chosen by the cutter principle - the smaller the radius of bending, the more often it is necessary to make a selection of gypsum.

In principle, this is all four main tips, how to properly bend the drywall and the video example below. But still, I would like to give one more, no less important advice - if your design, which needs to be bent, is on the ceiling or high on the wall, it is still worth giving your preference to the arched GKLA.This material is also ideal for walls and partitions. You can use some options:

1. You can make the first layer on a partition or wall from a conventional ceiling or wall gypsum board, using the methods mentioned earlier, but finish the last layer with an arched GKLA.It turns out to be a very rigid construction with a beautiful and smooth bend.

2. The partition or wall can be sewn with two or four layers of arched gypsum board. This method is the most reliable, smooth and accurate, but more difficult and expensive. How to bend drywall video

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