How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint - we learn the process from all sides

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How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint - we will weigh the pros and cons of

The presented composition is made as follows: pigments are introduced into a water base and mixed with a binder component. To dilute the mixture can be used not a solvent, but simple clean water. Until the moment you start decorating, you need to know how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, it is desirable to determine their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of finishing can be called: vapor permeability, the possibility of use in damp areas, ease of application, a variety of shades. Also this finish does not exfoliate over time. Moreover, the mixtures are clean in terms of ecology and do not emit hazardous substances. However, there are also disadvantages: they can not be applied to metal elements. In other respects, the presented material has no shortcomings.

How to paint a ceiling with water-based paint - types of working compositions

It is necessary to define varieties of enamels, because the sphere of their application depends on this. For example,

acrylic mixtures can be isolated. They can be used to decorate ceilings and other surfaces. However, they are very expensive. Moreover, it is not recommended to use them for finishing ceilings in rooms with a high level of moisture.

Silicate mixtures can be used in any room, as they pass air well and have good vapor permeability. The surface after finishing looks perfect for more than 20 years. But they can not be used where there is a chance of exposure to atmospheric moisture.

Silicone enamels are the best among all kinds of water emulsions, however they are not cheap. They can be used for almost any ceiling, especially since they are able to mask cracks, the width of which is 2 mm. Mineral formulations can be used to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen, as they are most suitable for rooms with a high level of dampness.

Preparation of the ceiling for painting with water-based paint and the course of work of

Before correctly painting the ceiling with water-based paint, it is advisable to choose a tool. Apply the mixture with a brush or roller, and do not use a foam rubber roller. For the roller, you need to pick a tray. We will also consider what is the preparation of the ceiling for painting with water-based paint.

It must be perfectly smooth, clean from dust and old finish, dry. Before finishing it must be putty.

How to properly paint the ceiling with water-based paint, the video can be found in the framework of our article. However, these simple tips will help you too. Mixture for finishing should be diluted, based on the instructions. First you need to mix it and pour the part into the bath. If you decide to add color, then just now you can do it. But it should be borne in mind that when drying, the surface glows a few tones.

Next, using the brush outline the boundaries of work. To do this, you need to brush the line on the ceiling along the wall, and you need to retreat from the wall a few centimeters. You need to start from the window. Then the plunger is dipped into the mixture in the bath, while the excess fluid must be removed. Now you can go to work. Movements should resemble the letter W.

Since the water-emulsion finish should be made in 2-3 layers, the first layer must be moved by a roller across the path of the sun's rays, and the second layer - along. The surface dries out in 12 hours, so a new layer needs to be applied over the specified time interval. If the instruction seemed incomprehensible to you, it will clearly demonstrate the process of how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, video on our page.

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