How to insert a lock into the interior door

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What you should pay attention to before inserting the lock

Before you start to work on the lock of the lock in the interior doors, you need to consider some factors that may affect the quality of work:

  • The thickness of the door beam should be at least 40 mm, otherwise in the sidebarcastle just will not make any sense.
  • Special care should be taken during the measurement and selection of the required drill bit. A hole of the wrong size can ruin the door once and for all.
  • Also special attention should be devoted to marking. This process is the key to successful completion of work.

Cut the lock into the interior doors with the help of a drill and chisel: Step-by-step instruction

Prepare the tools that will be required in the process:

  • Simple pencil
  • Drill
  • Drill bits
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Rounded file

Step 1. Marking the interior door

FirstIt is necessary to make a horizontal mark on the door, in the place where the lock will be located. As a rule, the distance from the floor to the mark is one meter( plus or minus 10 cm).

Please note! You can place a locking mechanism and based on individual indicators of a person. To do this, it is necessary to lead a hand in the place of the door, where the most likely location of the lock mechanism will be most convenient. After that, apply the appropriate marking.

You can then proceed with the marking under the sidebar of the lock. First, to the already drawn horizontal line, you need to attach the body of the locking mechanism in the end of the door and circle it. Then, to the place of the intended placement of the handle, it is necessary to press the part with the handle and also circle. After that, it is necessary to mark the intended location of the keyhole on the front of the door.

Marking under lock and key

Step 2. The process of drilling holes for the keyhole

It is necessary to select the drill bit so that the spindle can rotate smoothly in the drawn hole. Then you need to put the drill to the marking and make a through hole. After drilling, it is necessary to perform the same action, only on the other side of the door - so the hole will be given a finished and aesthetic appearance.


Step 3. Drilling holes for the case of the lock

It is necessary to measure the length of the body of the locking mechanism. Then a drill of a suitable diameter is taken and the length of the lock case is deposited on it. Next, it is worth noting the depth of the slot with the help of an electrical tape on the drill. We drill along the previously prepared line of marking the body of the locking device. Then all chunks are removed from the chisel. You can also sand the resulting hole with sandpaper.

Step 4. Installing the lock in the prepared slot

Next, insert the body of the locking device into the hole and note the location of the screws. Then it is necessary to fix the body of the lock mechanism with their help. The spindle is threaded through the lock case, the handle pads are attached and fastened with screws.

Lock installation

Step 5. Installing the receiving cover on the door frame

You need to close the door to determine the location of the possible location of the lock tongue. Then the patch must be passed through the tongue, again close the door and mark the location of the patch. Then, with the help of a bit, a hole is made for the tongue, and an external cover is fastened over the hole with screws.

Locking the lock in the interior door with the

milling cutter You can make a lock in the interior door by using a drill and chisel. For such purposes, a device such as a router is often used. It is quite expensive to purchase, but it can be rented at the tool store.

With this machine you can perform the following work:

  • cutting the hole for the locking device;Edge alignment;
  • preparation of niches for loops and locks.

The milling cutters are of different types, but for the work that is described in this article it is perfectly suitable for submersible.
Submersible milling cutter

Step-by-step instruction for locking the lock in the interior doors with the

Milling Machine Before you start working on the lock of the interior doors with a milling cutter, you must prepare all the tools beforehand:

  • Simple pencil
  • Drill
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Screwdriver
  • Squared

moulder Step 1. Fastening the door leaf

The door is secured with clamps. This process is made to ensure convenience at all stages of the lock of the castle.

Step 2. Marking the door leaf

Using a square and a simple pencil, a marking similar to the previous method is applied to the door.

Step 3. Cutting the recess for the lock mechanism using the

milling cutter. Next, in the pre-printed marking, the recess of the recess is made for the closure housing using a router. Then it is necessary to clean the inner surface of the groove with sandpaper.

A detailed visual description of the process of installing a door lock with a router on the interior door can be found in the video.

We have considered two of the simplest and most common ways of installing a lock in the interior door, and which one to use is the habit and personal preference of the master.

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