Aligning walls with plaster on beacons video

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  • 1 Aligning walls with plaster with your own hands
  • 2 Aligning walls with plaster on beacons video
Alignment of walls with plaster on beacons video, photo Video for repairing an apartment with your own hands - leveling the walls with plaster.

Preparation of the substrate is required prior to production. At the same time, walls are removed from the walls, they are cleaned from old loose plaster, paint, etc. Work yourself should be done carefully, so as not to damage the wiring, power supply to the room should be turned off. See also the same article about leveling walls with gypsum cardboard video and photo instructions attached.

Leveling of walls with plaster by hand

The cleaned surface must be primed. The primer is most conveniently applied with a roller. If the surface absorbs the wax well, two primer layers are applied. Beacons are installed only after the ground has completely dried. In the upper corner of the wall a nail is hammered, to which the cord( thread) is attached, a plumb is obtained. It is necessary to wait until the plumb line stops swinging. After that, another nail is hammered into the base of the wall so that its cap is on the same line as the plumb line. Do the same operation on the other side of the wall. After this, the beacon cord is stretched from the nail to the nail diagonally. The rule or even rake is attached to the nail heads, leveled out, then all space between the rule and the wall should be filled with the building mixture. We get an even beacon line. The distance between the beacons is determined by the length of the instrument that will be used for plastering the surface.

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After the beacons have dried up, you can begin leveling the walls with plaster on beacons with a video instruction. Gypsum building mixtures are best used in residential premises, cement - in the wet( kitchen, bathroom).The building mix is ​​poured into a large container and is covered with water. It is mixed with a drill with a special nozzle. The resulting mixture should not be very liquid or too thick. For better adhesion of the mixture to the wall, it is advisable to moisten the surface with water. On the wetted wall a small spatula is thrown over the building mixture. When the walls are leveled with plaster on beacons, the mixture is thrown in such a way as to cover all the cracks, potholes, cracks and its level should stand for beacons by 3 mm. Before the mixture dries, it must be leveled. To do this, use a broad rule, moving it along the neighboring lighthouses from the bottom up. If the mixture is not enough, it must be dosed, or neatly applied with a spatula. After finishing work on one site, go to the next, so the whole wall is plastered. Plastered surface after it dries rough and serves as a basis for puttying. Putty can remove small flaws on the wall( up to 15 mm).After the putty has dried, you can sand the surface with sandpaper. Now watch the video lesson on the website repairing an apartment with your own hands, based on the materials of the "World of repair" program.

Aligning walls with plaster on beacons video

Another video lesson

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