How to join the corners of the ceiling skirting: photo and video instruction

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How to join the corners of the ceiling skirting board

Attached ceiling skirting in finished form

The installation of the skirting board may seem easy, but it is extremely difficult and will require great care. In the process beginners are faced with numerous problems, the most common among them - docking and cutting dumbbells.

We perform the following tools for cutting and joining:

  • stationery knife or knife for metal( depending on the material of which the skirting is made);
  • protractor;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • chair.

A stool is a carpentry tool. It looks like a small tray that is made of plastic, wood or metal and has several slits for cutting at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. There are other types, they are designed for more complex and professional work, but for normal repairs they do not need anything. Such a device is bought in any construction shop.

A working chair

It is designed for trimming dumbbells under perfectly smooth angles, and if they are not so or the tool is not available for some reason, the element will need to be cut manually. To determine whether we need it or not, we recommend using a protractor. If they turned out to be crooked, they must be leveled with plaster or plasterboard before installing the baguette.

Aligning corners

The most difficult moment when docking is cutting. The slightest error leads to waste of materials. Dumbbells on the ceiling are fixed not as usual, but slightly differently. It should be remembered that they are cut off not only from the front side, but also along the outer edge. The simplest material in the work is foam. It is easily cut and not so fragile compared to other materials, so working with it is much easier.

How to cut the baguette with a chair

To cut the baguette, using a chair, fix it in the tray as it will be fixed to the ceiling. Cut it in the guiding groove. If it is wooden, then we cut it with an ordinary hacksaw. There is also a hacksaw for metal, and to cut styrofoam or polystyrene, we use a simple clerical knife, but it must be very sharp, so as not to damage anything.

How to cut a baguette without a chair

If there is no room in the house, then its analogue is made with your own hand. Alternatively, paint on a simple album sheet. For this, on paper, draw two lines with marks of a certain degree. You can postpone them by using an ordinary school protractor. They use the chair of their own production as well as the purchased ones. You just need to put the product correctly and cut off the excess part.

It's also possible to make it with your own hands from three boards, making slots there that can be marked with a student square or the same protractor.

Simple secrets of successful mounting of a baguette

When cutting, do not apply great effort, as the foam plastic crumbles, and the tree - will split.

Dumbbell elements are usually tried on the wall, and if there are no gaps, and everything is snug, then the work is done correctly.

After the skirting in the corners is fixed, it is recommended to fix all subsequent parts, but before that they are processed at the joint with sandpaper. We must remember that the docking of each should be without cracks and unevennesses.

For those who do not want to do complicated work, but also are not ready to give up the decorative element of the apartment, it is possible to use a special component, it closes the junction. It looks very original and saves time and effort.

Decorative element closing the joint

For a full view of the process of joining the ceiling baguette, review the video with a detailed description of the actions.

How to make the internal angle of the ceiling skirting board

The inner corner is one that is not more than 180 degrees. It is these that most often have to be cut. Trimming the edges of the baguette is usually done with a stool, but you can do without it.

If this happens with it, then before joining it is necessary, take into account that the element, when cutting the side of the tool, is glued to the wall of the room, and touching to the bottom part, is fixed to its ceiling.

It is recommended that the angle between the walls of the room be frozen, and if it is straight, the dumbbell is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. To implement the undercut, to begin with, the desired element is placed in a chair. After that, the edges are cut off.

Complex use of ceiling skirting

If the walls turned out to be crooked, the best option is to cut the baseboard yourself, you need a ruler and a clerical knife. For this, two different parts are attached to the wall and mark the place of the cut with a pencil, after which they carefully cut off.

A complex shape of the ceiling with angles of different sizes

To check the accuracy of the work done, the product is firstly applied to the wall, and only if it is cut without any errors, it is fastened, and if you notice irregularities, they can be easily corrected with a clerical knife and only then mounted.

Usually, if the corners of the room are even, then there should not be any problems with them, but if not, small defects are always eliminated, the main thing is to try hard.

A good example of an internal angle

How to make the outer corner of the ceiling plinth

The inner corners are much more common than the outer corners. Usually they are not less than 180 degrees. Despite this, it is not difficult to connect them.

To properly cut the baguette first thing you need to draw a mark on it, for this we fix it to the ceiling and mark with a pencil the place where it is planned to be cut.

Then put the product in a chair at an angle of 45 degrees. When it is already placed there, it is neatly trimmed. It should be remembered that if that part of the dumbbell that is more located on the left side, then cut it off by the left designation, just like the inner corner. Then cut the same plan and right.

When the ceiling frieze is already cut, make sure that this is done without any errors. To do this, fold the two pieces together and only if they fit perfectly, they can be attached to the wall.

When cutting, the frieze should be kept exactly, as when the cutting curve there are crevices when docking and for the same reason it should only be cut with a sharp blade.

A visual example of an external corner

How to make corners on ceiling skirting without using the

chair yourself The most actual method of cutting dumbbell angles is to use the rumor, but apply it only if the room is perfectly flat. If the room is more than 20 years old then it is not like that. Therefore, if it is used in such a situation and cut the dumbbell at an angle of 45 degrees, a gap is formed, and in the future it is almost impossible to conceal it. Cut the product without using it is possible, using improvised means. So, for work you will need:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • sharp sharpened knife or jigsaw.

To cut the baguette bar without the use of special tools, several steps are required.

Step 1. It is necessary to take one part of the bar and attach it to the wall in the same way as it will look in the finished form.

Example, how to draw the first line

Step 2. Pencil draw a line along the dumbbell itself and remove it.

Step 3. To the drawn line we fit the second part of the frieze in the place where it adjoins the first one.

Example, how to draw a second line

Step 4. Now you need exactly the same as in the first case draw a line with a pencil.

Where the baguette element will be attached, the markup should be obtained.

Example of the markup that should be produced

Step 5. One of the two skirting boards must again be leaning against the marking, and transfer to it the point of contact of the two straight lines. This line on the bar will be the place for the cut. Exactly the same should be done with the second.
An example of how to draw a cut line

Step 6. When cut lines are scheduled, they need to be cut. It is recommended to cut it with a jig saw, it is easy to operate and has high accuracy in operation.

Step 7. Already ready cut-out baguettes can be fastened to the wall.

An example of how plinths should be attached

In order for the attached bar to look perfect, it is recommended to practice, for starters, on small pieces, and only after that the final install.

Now, when the work on the installation of ceiling skirtings is completed, you can proceed to further processing, namely, to paint them.

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