How to wipe the grout from the tile

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How to wipe the grout from the tile Grouting is one of the most important stages in the laying of tiles. When carrying out a quality and proper grouting all defects are removed, and in case of poor performance, the appearance of the walls may deteriorate. Grout with tiles is removed in 3 stages: dry cleaning, wet and cleaning with the use of special tools.

1 When all the joints are filled and you need to get rid of excess cement grout, take the grater and, holding it at a right angle to the tile, gently clean the grout residue, while avoiding seaming. If you still damaged any part of the grout from the seam, add it again and carefully distribute it with the same float.

2 After the dry cleaning is complete, proceed to the damp. To do this, take a bucket of water and a sponge with rounded edges. Now, carefully using circular motions, remove the remaining cement and dirt from the surface of the tile with a damp sponge. Do everything neatly, so that grooves and dents do not form in the seams. Sponge thoroughly as needed. Try to change the water in the bucket as often as possible. After removing all the grout residues, allow the joints to dry for 20-30 minutes. During this time, all the moisture left on the surface of the tile evaporates, and the cement settles and becomes lighter.

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3 Now that the grout has completely dried, proceed to remove the light coating on the tile with an acid cement cleaner that can be purchased at a specialized store. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it with the cleaner, otherwise you can damage the seam.

4 An excellent alternative to cement grout is a grout based on epoxy resin and hardener, as it contains elements that provide strength and high resistance to chemical acids and household cleaners. Its main advantages are: smooth surface and easy care. But the disadvantages include the viscosity of epoxy grout, the difficulty in using and removing it from the surface of the tile after solidification, so it is desirable to make grouting in parts. First, treat a small area and see how quickly the grout hardens. Remove it must be not later than 24 hours with a special cleaner. In the event that you did not manage to do this, and the time has passed much more, then you can remove the grout from the tile only mechanically. But in this case, as a rule, nerves, floor covering and additional money are wasted.

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