How to destroy a fungus on the walls

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  • 1 How to get rid of mold, fungus in the apartment folk remedies
    • 1.1 Kinds of mold
    • 1.2 Mold in the apartment. What to do?
How to destroy a fungus on the walls How to destroy the fungus on the walls

The cause of the appearance of fungus in the house is increased stagnant humidity. It is only necessary to disturb ventilation when repairing an apartment, and small spots appear on the walls, which then merge together. The mold penetrates deep into the plaster layer and destroys it. Disputes are carried through the air and are the cause of various diseases, especially in children. If you got a crude fungal affected apartment, do not despair. Any problem can be solved. The main thing is to know how.

To destroy the fungus on the walls you will need:
- spatula or stiff brush;
- roller;
- fan heater;
- plaster;
- putty;
- composition for removal of traces of cement and plaster;
- antiseptic solution;
- acrylate antiseptic primer;
- waterproofing solution;
- heat-insulating paint.

1. Carry out fungus removal in summer, in warm and dry weather. Always dry the surface to be treated. To do this, you can use a fan heater or a hairdryer.

2. Remove the wallpaper or decorative cover from the walls. Remove stucco from affected areas. Try to remove as much as possible, because mold mycelium often spreads far beyond visible damage. Use a spatula and a hard brush to thoroughly clean the brickwork.
To open the pores of bricks, treat the masonry with a compound to remove traces of plaster and cement. Dry the wall again.

4. Apply a bactericidal agent to the entire wall with a roller. Use special antiseptic solutions, unlike folk remedies, they can fight with various kinds of fungi, mold and pathogenic bacteria. Homemade drugs, such as urea or vitriol, kill one type of fungus and create a favorable environment for others.

5. Prime the wall using acrylate antiseptic primer. It is necessary to dust the wall and increase its adhesion.

6. Apply a waterproofing solution to the whole surface of the wall with a roller or a wide brush to prevent further penetration of dampness into the plaster layer. After the waterproofing has dried, treat the wall again with antiseptic primer.

7. Now the wall is ready to apply plaster. When the plaster dries, treat it with a special heat-insulating paint. After this, the wall must be puttied and dried well.

8. Only after the final drying on the treated surfaces can be applied decorative coating: glue wallpaper, ceramic tiles or install wall panels.

Useful advices

If you live in a private house, be sure to treat the wall of the house from the outside with hydrophobic materials. Such work in the city must be done by employees of your house management.

Often the cause of wall wetting is a disturbance in the operation of the rain drain from the roof. In this case, it is worthwhile to unite the owners of several apartments and demand a remedy.

How to get rid of mold, fungus in the apartment folk remedies

People have been fighting mold for a long time. The effect is different. Sometimes positive. But if earlier people were concerned only with the aesthetic side of the problem: the mold looks ugly and worsens the external perception of the room, but now scientists have proved the unconditional harm and danger of mold for human health. A variety of illnesses lie in wait for a person if he lives in a moldy room and uses moldy foods. Consider how you can get rid of mold, fungus, or at least reduce their number around us, improve the quality of our lives.

Kinds of mold

Mold is a living fungus that grows as a branching mycelium. Mold is sometimes useful.

1. Aspergillus niger is used for the production of sugars and citric acid, as well as vitamin B2( riboflavin).But in natural conditions Aspergillus niger is the most dangerous for human health and animals black mold. This is exactly what we see raw corners of the premises, under the old tile in the bathroom, in the cellar, shed, garage and so on. In the fruiting phase, this fungus dispels spores that enter our respiratory organs and poisons our body. Sometimes black mold grows on bread.

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2. Botrytis cinerea is used in its imperfect stage for the production of wine, in particular sherry. This fungus is even called noble rot, as it helps to create raw materials with increased sugar content. In the people Botrytis cinerea was called gray mold. It grows on the walls of rooms, especially wooden ones, but prefers to settle on living plants. If you have started to rot on strawberries or tomatoes on your garden, then, most likely, they were struck by gray mold. This mold is not as dangerous as black, but you should not breathe its disputes, and also eat foods affected by Botrytis cinerea.

3. Penicillium is also considered a noble mold used for cheese production. Cheese is permeated with blue-green spores of this fungus or covered on top with a crust of this mold. Penicillium is also made antibiotic penicillin. They are treated with inflammatory processes. But with the weakening of the body, this fungus can also settle in it, causing various diseases, including fatalities. Penicillium mainly settles on products, so for long-term storage they are sterilized, boiled and so on. Sometimes it appears on the wooden surfaces in the house, especially if they are wet.

4. There is another white mold. It is also used for the production of cheeses. But she can live in an apartment. It also needs to be exterminated, although it is not as dangerous to health as the above species.

5. Conventional yeast is also mold. Although we actively use them for food, but many scientists believe that this is also harmful to health.

Mold in the apartment. What to do?

As we have already said, the most dangerous thing in the apartment is black mold. Therefore, most often on forums people ask , how to deal with black mold. This mold is very dangerous. Therefore, it is first carefully removed from the walls, protecting the respiratory system with a respirator or gauze dressing, so as not to inhale spores. This is called mechanical removal. Then the surface must be treated, for example with copper sulfate, diluted formalin or a mixture of alumina, sulphate and table salt. Chemical treatment can be carried out with the help of ignited sulfur. Burning products of sulfur kill all possible fungi.

Mold in a house made of wood can be killed with creosote. But the internal premises, where people live, they do not handle because of a strong smell. If mold is found on the walls, and they are wooden, then they can be covered with linseed oil. But it is not always convenient to do this by finding mold on the floor or mold on furniture. Then you can grate the laundry soap, mix with urine, insist the mixture a day, and then wipe the tree. Then you need to rinse, and then it will continue to smell. Mold in the closet can be destroyed the same way. People from ancient times know ways to fight mold on wooden surfaces, because the houses were originally all wooden.

If mold is found on the walls, and they are not wooden, you can use Bischofite salt.

Sometimes found mold on the wallpaper. How to fight is not always clear. After all, the wallpaper will lose its appearance, if something is handled. It is best to make repairs and replace the wallpaper, previously moistened the walls with biocide.

If you have a white mold, how to deal with it, too, will prompt our article. White mold often appears in flower pots, and then strikes the entire apartment. Although it is not as dangerous to health as black mold, it is also necessary to get rid of white mold. You can use the same tools as for fighting black mold. If the mold in the basement, where vegetables are stored, you can put there a box of quicklime. It helps to kill the fungus.

Sometimes green mildew appears in flower pots or in an aquarium. It is also harmful. How to get rid of green mold, people also know for a long time. All of the above methods can be applied. However, it should be remembered that chemical products are the most reliable in the fight against any kind of mold. They can be bought at a special store. If you want a quick and reliable result, contact the professionals. Especially if the mold hit large areas of your house.

A good method of preventing mold is airing the room, drying things, including food. Need a quick repair of spoiled plumbing. Dripping water leads to the development of dampness. Mold usually reproduces well in the dark and unventilated, warm, humid places. In dry and well-lit mold lives rarely. Therefore, this kind of prevention from the development of mold will save your time, money and nerves.

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