Remodeling the kitchen with a photo. Kitchen - living room

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  • 1 Preparing documents for kitchen remodeling
  • 2 Extending the kitchen with a balcony or a loggia
  • 3 What's forbidden about kitchen remodeling
  • 4 Kitchen remodeling photo. Combining rooms, kitchen - living room
Kitchen remodeling photo Useful tips for remodeling the kitchen

Often the layout of the kitchen in typical houses is far from meeting the needs of the owners. After all, the kitchen premise is a traditional place not only for cooking, but also for the reception of guests, traditional friendly gatherings. The only way to make a kitchen to your liking is a redevelopment that will make the premises meet modern standards, ergonomic, comfortable, improve architectural parameters, in general, expand the kitchen, possibly at the expense of the balcony. Website repair apartments with their own hands will tell you what it takes.

The kitchen must never be moved to another room. Also forbidden and re-planning of the kitchen due to the bathroom or toilet. Often the kitchen is combined with a room, thus turning into a kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room. But if you have a one-room gasified apartment, then it's forbidden. The only thing that can be done in this case is to install a sliding partition dividing the kitchen and living room. If you combine the kitchen with the room, then your living space will already lose the status of the room, turning into a kitchen, and this is unacceptable on the basis of the required meters of useful space.

Preparation of documents for the re-planning of the kitchen

In any case, starting the redevelopment of the kitchen needs a permit. It is necessary in the BTI( Bureau of Technical Inventory) to take the plan of the apartment, an extract from the technical passport. Find a project company, which will make the TZK( technical conclusion), draw a contract for the supervision of the reconstruction. Plan redevelopment will need to be approved with the gas inspection, sanitary and epidemiological service, fire service. In addition, if you intend to transfer electric or thermal equipment, to affect the sewerage and water supply system, you also need permission from the power engineers and the water dispenser. In the Housing Inspectorate, order and receive a conclusion on the compliance of the project with the standards for the operation of the housing stock. Get the consent of neighbors and the organization on whose balance the house is located. There are many instances, so it's better to contact the appropriate organization immediately, without wasting your time, which will do everything by a notarized power of attorney, and you, having saved time, will get ready permission. But it is necessary to obtain official authorization documents. Unauthorized rescheduling is fraught with many troubles, up to eviction in court. And in any case, the necessary permissive documents you will be obliged to do, while imposing penalties. Therefore, the legal side of the issue should be taken very seriously.

This situation is necessary, as kitchen remodeling often entails the demolition of load-bearing structures, when they combine a room and kitchen, the transfer of communications, in old houses, often zamorovyvayut garbage and duct.

Extending the kitchen with a balcony or a loggia

Expansion of the kitchen due to the balcony photo One of the most common ways to expand a kitchen is to demolish an interior partition that separates the kitchen and the room or the demolition of the partition between the kitchen and the corridor or loggia, which is less popular. When expanding the kitchen with a loggia, you need to remember that radiators can not be transferred to a loggia. And when you combine the kitchen with the room, you need an effective hood, which must be attached to the vent. For aesthetics and hood, and therefore the slab should be located strictly under the ventilation vent, which in turn creates limitations for the designer.

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Reshaping the kitchen in the kitchen - living room or extension due to a loggia or balcony - it is possible in almost any of the standard houses, even in Khrushchev, it is important to remember only what is forbidden.

What is forbidden to re-plan the kitchen

First, any redevelopment must comply with sanitary, construction, fire and other regulations and requirements. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to touch and especially interfere with engineering systems - gas supply, water supply and ventilation system.

It's clear that a small kitchen is very uncomfortable. But it has its advantages. If you are tired and do not have the strength to clean the dishes after dinner, you can just close the door, putting everything off till morning. But when combining with the living room, all these costs will be in front of your eyes, which, of course, will not add to the attractiveness of the interior. And therefore, it is only necessary to combine the kitchen with the living room by the "open plan" method when the family has a chance to maintain order all the time.

An important role is given to lighting in the interior of the kitchen. Usually kitchens have one window, through which penetrating light is quite enough for lighting. If your kitchen after the redevelopment becomes larger, and the window remains one, then you need to add more light - wall lights, soffits, sconces. The brightly lit room looks more visually than it really is.

The main feature to consider is the rational placement of all necessary communications( gas, water, ventilation, electricity).

Kitchen remodeling is a very responsible step, so it should be done by professionals. By ads or through acquaintances you can find companies that have proven themselves from the best side in this kind of activity. And do not forget that you need to prepare the necessary documents, if you conceived the expansion of the kitchen at the expense of a balcony, a loggia or a redevelopment of the room. Look at a few photos of the beautiful changing place of cooking and eating.

Kitchen remodeling photo. Combining rooms, kitchen - living room

Remodeling kitchen in the apartment photo. Kitchen Living Room

Remodeling kitchen in the apartment photo. Kitchen Living Room

Remodeling kitchen in the apartment photo. Kitchen Living Room

Remodeling kitchen in the apartment photo. Kitchen Living Room

Remodeling kitchen in the apartment photo. Kitchen Living Room

Look at the finished interiors and come up with your own one. Successful redevelopment and expansion!

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