Hallway. Corridor, in a private house, in an apartment, entrance door, decoration

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How to choose wallpaper for the hallway and corridor. Photo examples of the best options. Requirements they must meet. Types of wallpaper, advice on the choice of color and pattern.

Corridor in the apartment - design, photo examples of the best works. Wall colors. Features of the design of the floor and ceiling. Lighting, mirrors and furniture in the hallway design.

Which entrance door to the apartment to choose: materials, locking devices, fittings. What criteria should be considered when choosing a reliable front door to an apartment.

Plastic entrance doors for a private house, photo with a description of the main properties and parameters. How aesthetically pleasing do plastic doors look on the facade of the house?

Decorating the hallway with decorative stone and wallpaper. Photos of decorated hallways. Varieties of decorative stone, material calculation and selection of tools.

Photos of the entrance doors to a private house. Types of entrance doors to a private house: features, advantages and disadvantages. Security classes of entrance doors. How to choose a reliable door.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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