How to clean the washing machine with citric acid: how much to pour, cleaning the tan and the drum from scale, mold

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How to clean a washing machine with citric acid
  • Advantages of the
  • method Why does scale appear and why is it dangerous?
  • Rid of mold
  • Precautions
  • Alternatives

Any descaler from the inside of the washing machine, advertised on TV, is not cheap. Rigid water from a faucet considerably spoils expensive equipment, leading to breakdowns of electrical appliances. But the wise mistress will always find an alternative to expensive, advertised on TV means. So, for removing the lime coating from the inside of the washing machine, it is worth using the usual citric acid, which is sold in each grocery department, and is often available in spices for each housewife.

Warning, do not confuse citric acid with concentrated lemon juice!

Fill 2-3 tablespoons of lemon powder in the powder container and turn on the normal washing mode by setting the switch to 60 or 90 degrees. Apply this method expediently once a quarter. But observe the rule of the "golden mean": do not abuse the cleaning, so as not to damage the rubber covers of the washing machine.

Citric acid in powder for washing machine washing

When carrying out the cleaning procedure, the machine must be empty. After the process is complete, put the washing machine on a rinse to finally remove the scale particles. Large particles of calcareous plaque can still appear inside the drum, and also can kill the drain hole. These particles are formed in the event that you have never done a preventive cleaning of the machine, and have been using it for quite a long time. Just remove the visible visible elements of the calcareous deposits manually. The drain valve must be unscrewed and also cleaned.

Scum on the elements of the washing machine - cleaning

Advantages of the

  • method Such an option for removing lime deposits is absolutely harmless to human health.
  • Citric acid is sold almost everywhere.
  • The family budget will not be affected, because the facility is cheap.
Citric acid for cleaning the washing machine from scale

Why does scale appear and why is it dangerous?

Salt deposits or, in the common people, scale, in a washing machine occurs on the same principle as in an electric kettle.

During washing, the salts in the water are deposited on the surface of the heating element - the heating element of the washing machine water. At some point, the salt deposits become too large. Tan just stops heating water. He begins to spend too much electricity in order to warm the water during washing. As a result, the tan itself overheats because of the large amount of scale that has enveloped it. As a result, he, in the end, burns out.

Clean tan from the washing machine and taen with a scum

In this case, only the master repairing washing machines will help you. His services are not cheap. And he will have a lot of time for this. The "mountain" of accumulated underwear is guaranteed to you. But regular cleaning of the washing machine for preventive purposes is not a very labor-consuming task.

Rid of mold

Another problem faced by the landlady is the formation of mold on the rubber elements of the washing machine. Mold is a harmful fungus, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. The appearance of an unpleasant rotting odor when the lid of the drum is opened, indicates the presence of moldy formations. Fungus can cause allergic reactions, as well as dangerous for small children. Therefore, if there are signs of mold, it should be urgently disposed of. And here, citric acid will come to the aid of the hostess.

Mold on the rubber elements of a washing machine

The inside of the washing machine from the fungus will rid the citric acid, which has been poured into the powder container. The temperature mode of washing in this case is set to 90 degrees. We start the car in "idle", without linen. The outer elements are wiped with a sponge soaked in a chlorine-containing preparation. If the container for the powder is also covered with mold, it makes sense to soak it in chlorine for 30 minutes, then rinse well with running water and dry it dry.

Washing machine with water, working in the blank - washing machine washing

Preventative measures in the fight against molds are as follows: always keep the lid of the washing machine in the open state. The same applies to the powder container.


Regularly inspect the washing machine for mold, and at the first signs perform the manipulations described above. All cleaning measures are recommended in rubber gloves, to avoid chemical burns of the hands.

Inspection of the washing machine for malfunctions

Alternative options for

If you do not have the tool at hand, but there is an urgent need for a washing machine for scale, then you can come to the aid of an old grandfather's method. A solution of 9% vinegar is also able to rid the washing unit of unnecessary deposits. The principle is the same: pour a glass of 9% white vinegar into a powder bowl and start a machine wash with a temperature regime of 60 degrees. Do not forget to rinse after the procedure. Extra rinse is able to rid the inside of the machine of caustic acetic odor. Naturally, all precautions are observed. We start the machine without laundry, in the "idle" mode.

9% vinegar for cleaning washing from scale

The grandfather's way does not inspire confidence to all. If you just belong to this category of people, then you are left to use only store tools, which are now produced in a large assortment. All kinds of additives to the powders that prevent the appearance of scale, are sold in any department of household chemicals. Only their price sometimes "bites" and not everyone can afford. Observe preventive measures, and a washing machine will last you for many years.

Means for descaling and mold for washing machine

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