How to choose crosses for tiles

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How to choose tiles for a photo

Choose suitable crosses for tiles.

There is nothing complicated in the facing of the wall with ceramic tiles. If the surface is flat enough, then you can easily cope with this task. It is necessary only to stock up on the necessary materials, including crosses for tiles.

1. In order to create the same interlace stitches as a result of laying the tiles, use special crosses. This plastic products are made in the form of crosses, which is why they were called. Today, manufacturers offer different versions of crosses with different thicknesses from one and a half to ten millimeters.

2. Choose crosses, based on the desired width between individual tiles. The larger the tiles, the larger the crosses. For example, for tiles measuring 100 to 100 mm crosses should be a width of 1.5 mm. Lay them in the course of work, after the next tile has been glued. To do this, apply a specially prepared glue to the wall with a square-tooth spatula, spray the back side of the tile with water to remove dust from it and sufficiently moisten, place the tile on the profile and gently press it. For pressing it is better to use a metal level, then the force of pressure on each tile will be the same. After that, put the crosses to separate one row from the other.

3. Do not glue the tile completely without gaps, because in any of them there are errors in dimensions, and it is not possible to perfectly tile the tile to each other perfectly. And ceramics swells as a result of water, and crosses help to avoid cracks and other defects.

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4. When laying porcelain stoneware, insert crosses into the joints of the corners between the individual tiles. To do this, you will need four crosses for each tile. This method is used to create wide intertice seams. Usually after laying these crosses are not removed, but overwritten.

5. For a more precise alignment of the joints between the tiles, use a different method of installing plastic crosses. To do this, use one tile for eight pieces, i.e.two crosses on each side. Install them at a distance of 3-5 cm from the corners of the tile, given its dimensions. Put them one side, then, after a while you can freely pull them out and reuse them.

6. After removing the crosses with a grout and using a tiling tool, seal the interlining seams. Grout is usually of different colors, it hides cement or glue, looks more aesthetically pleasing and does not allow moisture to seep.

Please note that if you did not remove the crosses, then in some places the thickness of the grout will be much less, which can affect the quality of the seams.

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