Bathroom tile: wall and floor cladding, design features( 24 photos)

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Bathroom tiles
  • basic requirements
  • Types
    • Bikottura
    • Monokottura
    • monoporosa
    • Clinker
    • Gres
    • Cotto
  • grade classification and symbols on the packaging
  • impact on the perception space tile colors
  • Features
  • selection to create a style
  • tile from one collection
  • options combining
  • savings! Creating a mosaic of waste tiles

Indisputable favorite among the materials for finishing the bathroom and toilet is a tile - ceramic tiles, made of a mixture of clay, sand and minerals and burned in a special way. Different types of tiles are used to cover the surface of walls and floors, as well as as a decorative component of the decoration of the room. In this article, we will talk about what kinds of tiles exist and how to choose the right tile for you.

Basic requirements of

When selecting tiles, as well as other finishing and building materials used in rooms with high humidity, has special requirements:

  • Bathroom tiles must be waterproof and practical.
  • Tiles in the bathroom should be washed frequently to prevent plaque and mold from forming on it, so this tile must be resistant to chemical detergents.
  • Bathroom tiles should be hygienic and, if possible, consist only of natural materials.
  • The tile for the bathroom should be resistant to any external influences and not change its color under the influence of sunlight, steam and other factors.
  • The tiles must be strong. Laying and dismantling of tiles is a very troublesome business. If the wallpaper is easy to re-paste, if necessary, then changing the tiles in the bathroom is not so simple. In addition, its cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of wallpaper or plastic panels. Therefore, the choice of tiles must be approached responsibly.
  • The tiles you buy must match clearly defined dimensions for this type of tile, and have the right angles and a flat surface.
  • In the case of glazed tiles, care should also be taken to ensure that the glazed coating is smooth, free of streaks and unevenness.
Bathroom Tile
Quality bathroom tiles

Types of

Tile is itself a subset of ceramic tiles. However, it, in turn, is divided into several types.

According to the place where the tile is planned to be laid, the tile is divided into tiles:

  • for internal lining;
  • for external cladding;
  • for swimming pools.

In addition, the tiles can be wall-mounted and floor-standing. Floor tiles are usually more durable and less slippery compared to the wall tiles.

types of tiles

Depending on the manufacturing technology, the following types of tiles are distinguished:


Bicotture is an enamelled ceramic porous tile of low strength, which is most often used for finishing interior walls. It is made using double-firing technology, which is what determined its name. Its main advantage is an incredibly rich selection of different decor options.

Bicotture in the bathroom lining


Monocotature - stronger than bicotry tiles, which is fired once. Such a tile is used for both the floor and the walls, and some of its types are frost-resistant at all, which makes it possible to use it for exterior decoration.

Bathroom lined with monocoature


Monoporosa - similar in manufacturing technology with monocoature, monoporosis in its physical properties is more like a bicotrature. It is used exclusively for interior decoration and mainly for walls. A distinctive feature of this technology is the ability to produce a large size tile, which greatly facilitates the laying process and forms less seams.

The bathroom is lined with monoporous


Clinker is a tile of non-standard geometric shape, which is used mainly for lining steps and stairs due to its increased strength. Such a tile is not afraid of water, chemicals and other aggressive environmental influences.

Clinker tiles

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles, characterized by increased strength and resistance to abrasion. As a rule, such a tile imitates a cut of natural stones, such as granite, marble, etc.

Bathroom with porcelain tiles


Cotto is a special kind of tile, easily recognizable thanks to its unique design. It can be made in various terracotta shades, antique.

Cotto Artistico Collection

Classification by grades and symbols on the packaging

Due to the fact that each type of tile has its own specific physical properties, a special marking system was developed, which is designed to give the buyer the fullest possible idea of ​​the product.

For example, the marking is primarily used to indicate the type of tile. There are only four types of tiles: from I to III, where I grade means the highest quality tile, and III grade - the lowest one, and also the so-called commercial grade. Commercial grade, in fact, the same third grade, only distinguished by increased strength and lack of a rich choice of colors.

How to understand the color of the variety number:

  • I brand is marked in red;
  • II grade - blue or blue;
  • III grade - green;
  • Commercial grade is also green.
Selection of tiles according to grades

However, there are other markings for tiles. The following type of marking will tell you about the rate of abrasion of the tile.

Here the marking goes from I to V, where:

  • I group - tiles for interior finishing of bathroom, toilet, bedrooms;
  • II group - tiles for rooms with small attendance, such as kitchen, corridor, apartment houses;
  • III and IV groups - tiles for rooms with high traffic;
  • V group - tiles for commercial and commercial activities, government agencies, etc.
Legend on the tile

By how harmful to the tile can be the impact of chemical elements, the tile is divided into four classes:

  • AA - tiles do not change their properties and qualities under the influence of chemicals;
  • A - tiles can slightly change their appearance under the influence of chemicals;
  • In - the tiles are changing significantly;
  • With - complete loss of the original type of tiles.

There are other markings, however they are not so significant and it's much easier to guess their meaning:

  • the image of the snowflake on the box means that the tile is frost-resistant, the
  • painted trace from the sole means that the tile is floor.
  • marking with a square with small multi-colored tiles means that one tile will have one type of tile, but different shades.

Effect of tile color on the perception of the room

The choice of bathroom tiles is also important in terms of interior decoration. After all, the right tiles can not only decorate, but also visually expand or, conversely, narrow the space.

  • For the bathroom it is appropriate to use both warm and cold colors.
  • It is not recommended to purchase bright, acid colors, as they very quickly get bored and start to irritate the eye. If you want to add a bathroom color, it is better to make small contrasting inclusions.
  • The dark outdoor tile makes the room visually more.
  • Visually expand the room can also be using mirror tiles on the walls.
  • Black tile visually narrows the space. However, do not be afraid of all the dark shades of tiles - you just need to be able to use them wisely.
Mirror wall in the bathroom
Color accents in the design of the bathroom tiles
Tile of dark tones in the bathroom

If you are not too versed in such matters as tile selection, it's easiest to take your bathroom plan with you and contact a consultant in the store with him. It will not only tell you which tile, what collection and what colors you prefer to use.

If desired, he will create for you a so-called 3D-visualization, where on the sheet of paper there will be a detailed plan in which part of the bathroom the tile of which collection and color is best used.

3D-visualization of the bathroom

Features of choice

As we already mentioned above, tiles in the bathroom should be moisture resistant, as less porous and resistant to chemical detergents. On the matt tile, there is almost no staining and contamination, and with the glazed it is easier to clean, so the choice is entirely up to you.

Tiles for bathroom walls of unusual shape

Before buying, you need to determine the shape( rectangular or square) and the size of the tiles. Large scale tiles are easier to lay and it forms less stitches, in which bacteria and mold will accumulate. However, it hangs worse on the walls and empty cavities often form below it. Otherwise, when choosing a tile, pay attention to its marking.

With regard to the physical properties of the floor tiles, the same selection criteria apply as for wall tiles.

There are two main differences between floor tiles and the wall:

  • It must have a surface that does not slip and can not cause injury. For this reason, many prefer a matt floor tile.
  • The floor tiles must be at least twice as thick as the wall tiles.

In addition, floor tiles must be resistant to abrasion.

Floor tiles in the bathroom

Creating the style of

The choice of ceramic tiles at the moment is so great that manufacturers try in every possible way to interest their potential customers with the most unusual colors, patterns and textures. For those who carefully resemble the design of their apartment, and will not be satisfied with the standard white or pastel tiles, manufacturers regularly produce collections of tiles in different styles.

It should also be borne in mind that if you decide to perform a bath in any particular style, then not only tiles, but also plumbing, furniture and other items in the bathroom should be made in the same style.

Loft style bathroom

Such styles as vintage or country, it is better not to use in the bathrooms of a small area. It will look ridiculous. For a small bathroom, modern styles of high-tech or modern are more appropriate, thanks to which a small space of the room can be used with maximum benefit in terms of functionality.

Various tiles for creating a bathroom in oriental style

Tiles from one collection

Any collection contains two main varieties of wall tiles: background, monophonic tile of several colors and shades, and decorative, with different patterns. To the decorative also applies special ceramic tiles for steps, handrails and curbs. In some collections there is also floor tiles. Buying a tile of a certain collection, you can choose at once and wall and floor tiles in tone, or you can buy a tile from another collection.

Tile in bathroom from one collection

Combination options

Ceramic tiles can easily be combined with other materials. The main thing is that all the finishing materials used by you should have water-repellent properties.

Tiled tiles in the bathroom can be combined with:

  • wallpaper;
  • mosaic;
  • with glass tiles;
Ceramic and glass tiles in the bathroom decoration
  • with natural stones;
  • bamboo;
  • with PVC panels;
  • and even with wooden panels with a suitable water-repellent coating.

In addition, the combination of different materials in the bathroom can be used for zoning purposes.

Tile, mosaic and natural stone in the design of the bathroom

We save! Creating a mosaic of waste tiles

One of the options for finishing the bathroom is mosaic decoration. Of course, if you use the mosaic to decorate all the walls of the room, it will "ruffle".It is better to use it on a single wall or a small bathroom space.

Advantages of using mosaic:

  • This is original - you can lay out any drawing or ornament for your taste by mosaic;
  • This is economical - for mosaic you can buy a chipped tile, which is several times cheaper than usual;
  • This is convenient - mosaic tiles are much easier to lay than ordinary. You do not need to make sure that the seams are perfectly even.
Mosaic panels in the bathroom

When choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to its quality, strength, firm-manufacturer, physical properties, as well as to consider the compatibility of different colors and styles. If you consider all the tips given in the article, the tile will delight you with its appearance for many years.

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