Installation for bidet: for pendant type bidet, installation and installation

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Installation for bidets
  • What's this?
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Types
  • How to install?
  • What should I consider when installing?

Choosing a bidet, you'll notice that the models of such plumbing are floor-standing, as well as hanging. If you decide to install a pendant bidet in your bathroom, you will find out that the construction of this sanitary unit includes a bowl and installation. Advantages, types and features of installing installations we will discuss.

What's this?

An installation is a special fastening system for a bidet, the basis of which is a robust construction, built into the wall. It is on it that the suspended bidet model is fixed.

installation for bidet


  • Installing a bidet using an installation saves space by allowing you to use the bidet in a small bathroom.
  • Most installations are versatile and suitable for any pendant bidet. In this case, the crossbeams can be rearranged in height, and thanks to the availability of the brackets, the construction can be mounted in a corner.
  • All communications will be hidden from the eyes, without worsening the design of the room. In addition, the device makes it easier to clean the bathroom.
  • Installation systems are very durable and feature high strength. They withstand a load of up to 400 kilograms.
installation for bidet
installation for bidet
What is an installation for a bidet


Because of the hidden installation of water pipes and other communications, there may be difficulties with the repair. To avoid them, during the installation installation leave a backup window.

Disadvantages of the installation for the bidet


Depending on the design, the installation can be block or frame. The first view is suitable for mounting on a concrete or brick wall. Such an installation consists of a housing with reinforcement mountings. It does not lean on the floor, but is fixed to the wall with anchor bolts, which take the load on themselves.

The structure of the frame installation is more complicated. This is a frame with attached reinforcement, which is fixed in two places to the wall and in two places on the floor. Choosing a frame model, you can influence the depth of its installation. Depending on the mounting options, this installation can be universal, and also presented as separate types for monolithic walls and for lightweight partitions( this type differs by transferring most of the load to the floor parts).

Block construction of the bidet
The frame construction of the bidet

How to install?

The procedure for installing the installation is as follows:

  1. The installation framework is installed.
  2. Connect the communications.
  3. Mounting bidet.

With the installation of the frame is easily handled by a person who is already familiar with this work. If you are afraid to make mistakes during installation, it is necessary to instruct such a task specialist.

You need to place the main elements depending on the type of installation:

  • Having chosen the universal model of the frame installation, all load must be distributed evenly.
  • If you are installing a reinforced frame installation, most of the load must be on the floor.
  • If a block installation model is installed, maximum attention should be paid to bolting.

All frame structures can be adjusted to a height of up to 20 cm using special feet. Extensions are used to adjust the depth installation.

Installing the installation for the bidet

What should I consider when installing?

  • It's good, if you have previously prepared the installation scheme taking into account the purchased bidet and mixer model. This scheme will take into account all the features of the electrical and water supply of the device, so it will help in the installation.
  • It is important to be extremely careful during the installation of the frame, as the top construction will close with the completion of the final finish.
  • At the stage of connecting the installation to the water supply, attention should be paid to the reliability of the connections.
  • The installation is arranged in such a way that the height of the installed bidet corresponds to the adjacent toilet bowl, which is often also a suspended structure.
  • It is desirable that from the bidet to the wall there should be 35-45 cm of free space. The optimal distance between the bidet and the toilet is 25-30 cm.
Features of installation of the bidet

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