Insects in the bathroom: how to get rid of them, the causes and prevention

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Millipede in the bathroom
  • Ants
    Millipede in the bathroom
    • Moss
    • Moss
    • Cockroaches
    • Mosquitoes
    • Cockroaches
    • Scales
    • Centipedes
    • Reasons for their appearance
    • Methods of struggle
    • Preventative methods

    The bathroom should be a stronghold of hygiene and cleanliness in the house. Here family members take various water procedures and here, as a rule, most of the detergents and cleaning agents are stored. However, moist air and insufficient ventilation of the room can lead to the appearance of various insects in the bathroom, which is one of the most obvious signs of the development of unsanitary conditions in the room. Contrary to popular opinion, this problem can be faced not only by the inhabitants of the hot southern countries, but also by the inhabitants of the European region. If you suddenly encountered the same problem, our article will help in the fight against insects.

    Insects in the bathroom


    Before you run for insect control, you need to determine what kind of insects you are facing. As they say, the enemy should know by sight. Therefore, below is a list of those insects that can settle in your house.


    I do not need to talk about how the ants look, I do not need to tell. Unlike ordinary ants living in nature, domestic ants have a red color and are about an order of magnitude smaller than their wild counterparts. If you find a lonely ant in the bathroom - this is not a cause for alarm. Perhaps you accidentally brought him from the street on clothes or shoes, or he got into the house with food. However, if ants come across to you often enough, you are likely to have a long and serious struggle with them.

    What can attract ants to the bathroom? Perhaps you forgot some food or the remains of food in the bathroom, or you washed some fruit or berries here and some of them fell off somewhere, and now attracts insects with its fragrance. There can be many options.

    Wild Ants

    If you find ants in the bathroom, you first need to determine where the ants come from. To do this, seal all the cracks through which ants can crawl into the tub from the street. If you live in a block of flats, ask neighbors if they have the same problem. If you get an affirmative answer, then you know that you alone can not cope with this misfortune.

    Ants are able to build entire networks of several anthills connected to each other. They are able to restore their numbers very quickly, even if one of the anthills is completely destroyed. Therefore, the struggle against ants in an apartment building must be conducted centrally, in order to at once clean out all the centers of their distribution.

    Home ants


    Moss are one of the most amazing insects. These small flying pests appear as if from nowhere and also disappear into nowhere, it is only necessary to get rid of the source of their spread.

    Where does the midge come from in the bathroom? Everyone knows that if you leave somewhere in the kitchen or in the room nadkusannoe apple, in a few hours above it will float a small flock of Simuliidae. This is especially true in the hot summer months, when food without a refrigerator spoils an order of magnitude faster. However, where did the midge come from in the bathroom?

    Fruit monsters - Drosophila

    Remember, did you happen to have to wash any food in the bathroom lately? Perhaps you washed the apples brought from the dacha, or washed and cut the watermelon brought by the guests. If the food particles stayed in the bathroom and were not cleaned, then soon wait for the guests, because the warm and moist air in the bathroom speeds up the rotting processes and is an excellent breeding ground for Simuliidae.

    Sewer system


    Now home cockroaches are rarely where you meet. Long-term struggle of man with these insects almost completely ruined their population in large cities. The presence of many chemical means of combating them allows you to get beat from cockroaches in a short time and without special difficulties.

    Red cockroach

    Why do cockroaches appear in the bathroom? The cockroaches themselves in the apartment, where they closely monitor the cleanliness, will not appear. They can only creep towards you from neighbors who are less scrupulous in hygiene issues. Since the ventilation system in the bathrooms of one house, as a rule, is common, it is for her to travel baleen pests. Therefore, when using insect control, you must remember to process them and the ventilation grilles in the bathroom.

    Black beetle


    In the summer, mosquitoes can not hide anywhere. As a rule, they enter the bathroom through an open window or through ventilation pipes. However, if you live on the ground floor and there is a basement below you, then mosquitoes can very well get to you in the apartment through the cracks in the floor. The fact is that mosquitoes prefer wet and dark rooms, which means that the bathroom is the ideal place for them. Getting rid of mosquitoes is quite easy.



    Mokrits you can meet mostly only in the bathroom, unlike other rooms in the house. As their name suggests, the lice are found where it is wet. If you've never seen them before, the first meeting with such an uninvited guest in the bathroom can be a real shock for you. Small, unpleasant, gray-gray pests with a convex backrest move extremely fast. You can notice them only in the first couple of seconds after you entered the bath and lit the light. After that, they disappear without a trace under the bathroom or sink, in un-sealed seams between tiles on the floor and on the walls, etc. It is quite difficult to extract such insects, but it is possible. How? This we will discuss below.


    Scales of

    Even more unpleasant looking insects are scales. Unlike the woods, they have an elongated trunk and short legs. Front and back they have antennae. They are slightly more lumber, but move just as fast, so catching and killing such a disgusting creature is not easy. For a person they are absolutely harmless. Since scales eat starchy foods and polysaccharides, the maximum they can spoil is wet paper or wallpaper in your bathroom. But you will hardly want to live next door to such creatures.

    Read more in our article on how to get rid of a scales.



    Complete the list of the most disgusting insects that you can find in the bathroom, the centipedes. The meeting with them is clearly not for the faint-hearted. Although it is believed that centipedes can harm human health, causing irritation on the skin, most of these creatures do not conceal a threat to human health. But their appearance still does not inspire confidence in them. As a rule, they do not appear by themselves.

    The fact is that centipedes feed on other small insects, so at first you should have lice or bones that serve as food to them, and then centipedes will appear.


    Reasons for their appearance

    The reasons for the appearance of insects in the bathroom can be conditionally divided into two groups:

    • The first group is external circumstances. Insects could appear in other rooms of the apartment and simply move with time to the bath. They could crawl or fly to you through vent pipes and cracks from the basement or from neighbors or just off the street.
    • Also the reasons may be internal. This is when the focus of the spread of insects is directly in your bathroom and formed there because of an improper microclimate. Here the main reasons are two: unsanitary conditions and high humidity. Having established the cause of the occurrence of insects, it will be easier for you to fight them.
    Insects from the ventilation in the bathroom

    Fighting Methods

    Consider the most effective methods of getting rid of these insects.


    The methods of fighting ants depend on how deplorable the situation is at the moment. If you and your neighbors have ants in the house, it means that these insects have already created a whole network of anthills all over the house. In this case, it is better to immediately contact the specialists in pest control. A brigade of pest control will come to you, which at once will save you from such misfortune.

    Poison for ants

    If the situation is not so deplorable and you still hope to cope with the ants on your own, insecticide aerosols, special gels, dusts and pencils will help you to fight these insects. Among folk remedies against ants, the most popular are yeast, boric acid and cornmeal. However, such facilities are ineffective and more suitable for uninhabited or rarely visited premises.


    To get rid of midges, first of all you need to find and eliminate the cause of their appearance. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the bathroom with bleach. Determine where the midge could have come from. After harvesting, you can get rid of those individuals that have already appeared in the bathroom, with the help of strong chemicals, such as dichlorvos.

    However, if you are afraid to damage the health of your relatives or your children, then it is better to use less cardinal means - build a trap:

    • Put a piece of fruit or vegetable on the bottom of the jar.
    • On top, install a paper funnel with a narrow neck. Inside the midges can fly, but they can not get back out again.
    • The next day, just throw the trap in the trash.


    To prevent cockroaches from entering the apartment through vent pipes, the ventilation hoses must be tightened tightly with a protective mesh treated with chemicals to combat cockroaches.

    Otherwise, the means to combat cockroaches are the same everywhere - these are various pencils, gels and other poison for insects.

    Means for combating cockroach


    Methods for getting rid of mosquitoes in the bathroom are no different from fighting these insects in other rooms. Use special fumigators, as well as smoldering plates from mosquitoes, or buy a special trap for mosquitoes.


    The main means of fighting the moccasins is prevention. Watch for the cleanliness of the bathroom, remove dirt and mold in a timely manner, eliminate leakage of pipes and ensure normal ventilation of the room.

    If you are still disturbed by these insects, then first thoroughly clean the room thoroughly. Then ventilate the bathroom and treat the walls with a chemical agent for fighting mochrica, which you can buy at a specialized store.

    Read more in our article on how to get rid of woodlice.

    Fumigator for insect control


    As a rule, these insects are few. If you killed one scaly, then most likely this will stop your communication with this type of insects.

    If suddenly you find several representatives of scales in the bathroom, then use any available aerosol against insects.


    These insects are very fond of hiding in the crevices of the wooden floor, so one of the possible ways to deal with them is to use ordinary mastic for parquet on the floor.

    Specialty stores sell special tools to combat centipedes. However, as practice shows, the means for combating cockroaches against millipedes are also very effective.

    Professional disinsection

    Preventative methods

    To protect yourself from the appearance of insects in the future, use our simple tips:

    • Carefully seal all cracks and holes in the bathroom, from where unexpected guests may come to you.
    • Install additional ventilation indoors, if you feel that the standard ventilation system is not doing its job properly.
    • Regularly treat the bathroom with chlorine-containing products.
    • Repair all pipes in the bathroom and seal them securely.
    • Keep an eye on hygiene - regularly treat detergent antibacterial agents not only the walls and floor of the bathroom, but also the plumbing and interior items in it.
    • Dry all jars of with shampoos, shower gels, creams, etc.after their use.
    • Dry towels thoroughly after use.
    • Make sure that condensation is accumulated as little as possible in the room.
    • If the bathroom has a window, as often as possible ventilate the room and try to get into it as much as possible of natural sunlight.
    Regular cleaning in the bathroom
    Forced ventilation in the bathroom
    Heated towel rail in the bathroom

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