How to lay a tile around obstacles

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  • 1 Ways to lay around various obstacles
  • 2 Useful tips for laying tiles with

obstacles There are no perfect surfaces without various obstacles. During the process of laying the tiles, there are always obstacles on the way: boxes, sockets, thresholds, switches, door boxes, columns, sewer pipes, transitions to other types of coatings. Very often there is a question - "How to carry out the work on laying a new tile on the surface around these obstacles?".We already knew how to put the tiles in the bathroom on the floor and the walls correctly, and this article as an addition.

Ways to lay around various obstacles

For work you will need: a simple pencil or felt-tip pen, an ordinary or circular tile cutter, a special glue for laying tiles. And read the article on how to cut the tiles correctly at home.

1. In order to install the tiles around the switches, it is necessary to put the tile on the room switch and mark the excess points on it with a felt-tip pen. Tiles, it is necessary to trim the tiles along the marked marking lines. Then cut the place in it under the switch. To check the accuracy and evenness of the work done for trimming, it is necessary to put the tile in place.

2. To lay the tile near the window opening or in the corner of the wall, it is necessary to measure the distance from the full last tile to the window opening or the corner of the wall, taking into account a gap thickness of two to four millimeters, this is necessary for the seam. In case the wall is uneven, the distances may be different, while making measurements for each tile separately from the end to its beginning. It is necessary to mark the distance on the tile, draw a cutting line and cut off the excess line along the marked line. Next, apply glue and apply the resulting trimmed piece of tile in place.

3. The tiling around the large and small pipes is done in this way:

Mounting tiles around a large and small tube photo - If the pipe is large enough and the tile lies on the pipe with only one corner, then a curved linear cut is required. To do this, cut out a sheet of strong paper and put it in the place where the tiles should be laid. Holding the paper in this place, you need to bend all the unnecessary and unnecessary, and after the paper cut off the bent lines in order to get a template for the future tiles under this pipe. Put the paper template back in place and check the accuracy of the work done. The template should be applied to the tile, circled neatly with a pencil and cut off along the intended lines.

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- If the pipe is small in shape and must be somewhere in the middle of the new tile, then the tile needs to be attached from the side and mark the bottom and top of the diameter of this pipe on it. After the same tile you need to attach near the pipe from the bottom, along the bottom row with the edges of the tiles and mark on it the extreme points of the pipe from the right and left side. Connect the labels on the angle piece in such a way that a square is formed and just in the place of the tile where the pipe passes. Using a tile cutter in a circle, set the desired diameter and drill the desired hole.

4. A difficult obstacle happens when such holes fall on two, three or more tiles. In this case, each sector needs to be marked with a felt-tip pen in a certain place, and cut the tiles along the marked lines. So it is necessary to act with each tile, which falls on this hole.

5. The most difficult obstacles are columns, external floor corners, door frames. In this case, it is best to follow the rules below.

Useful tips for laying tiles with obstacles

- You should lay a tile that does not require cutting, as well as tiles that need to be cut exactly in half. Such tiles must be glued on the visible part.

- Tiles that require cutting in the most difficult places need to be settled at the very last. In order not to make mistakes in the layout, you need to use a paper template, cut to the size of an entire individual tile. Template attach to the place, bend over the obstacles, trim and transfer to the tile.

- Cut the tile around the contour, attach it and check the accuracy. If the tile does not need additional pruning, then it can be laid on the adhesive composition in the desired location.

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