We are building a fountain in the country house with our own hands

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There are many different kinds of fountains in the world, and all of them differ both in technical solution, and in power and size. However, most often in a limited space, in particular in the garden area, the most acceptable version of the jet-type fountains. That's about such a small and not very complicated in the performance of the fountain and there will be a speech.

Even a relatively small homemade fountain gives not only a beautiful view to the whole country plot, but it also has a good effect on the overall microclimate of this area. The air around such a structure contains an increased concentration of ozone, and with a working fountain on the entire site it becomes cooler and more comfortable.

The main thing in designing a fountain is to determine the type of fountain itself, with the type of pump and the pool( capacity).Only after this, it is possible to decide the question of the automation necessary to ensure its operation.

Selecting the location and equipment of the

tank Each fountain should be located in a container that serves to collect the water released by the fountain. Naturally, the site for the installation of the facility is selected based on the overall layout of the site. It should be sufficient to construct a pit for the tank and at the same time ensure a good appearance of this part of the terrain. Before you begin to build a fountain in the country, you need to think about the possibility of free access to the tank. This allows you to fully relax near the fountain, and serve its components( if necessary).

Depending on whether there are large trees nearby or not, the way to build the tank and its type are chosen. The fact is that the roots of trees are constantly growing. This can lead eventually to damage the bottom of the excavation. If there is such a risk, then it is necessary to use special metal or plastic baths as a reservoir( there are different capacities for sale, both in capacity and in form).Often gardeners install baths from second-hand apartments. In this case, and do not have to buy. A more costly way to protect yourself from roots is to make the concrete pit of the pit. And it should be just hydroconcrete, because it will always be in the water.

Or lay the bottom of the excavation with a stone and cover with mortar. But additional waterproofing is still needed. If there are no trees nearby, then there is a simpler and cheaper way of equipping the bottom and walls of the tank bowl - with the help of polyethylene film and geotextile. A more expensive variant of this method is a special rubberized material, which is surrounded by a pit.


We begin to address the next issue, namely, power supply. All pumps for fountains operate from mains. Therefore, when choosing a location under the fountain, one should also be guided by the possibility of supplying the power cable. In addition to the pump, the design of the fountain takes into account the need for electricity elements of automation and lighting of the entire structure.

How to make a fountain?

Here everyone has his own vision of the overall design of the fountain. Someone is constructing in the middle of a foundation pit something like a rock, someone - a metal bowl, someone is putting a sculptural composition. Sometimes a conventional water-sprinkler tube is considered a sufficient solution. As you can see, there are many options. The only general rule for everyone is the withdrawal of the pipe through which water will flow and its diameter.

Firstly, , the water from the fountain should not overflow the edge of the tank. In other words, the water supply and its discharge must be coordinated. Another nuance: if the water in the reservoir does not go away naturally, its stagnation will lead to the decay of the entire "reservoir".As a result, it will not be a fountain, but a stinking puddle.

Secondly, , pipe diameter and pump power must also be related. This must be taken into account, since the jet of the fountain should go under pressure, and not just flow weakly, and there will be little use from such a fountain. Do not forget that the pump( pump) must always be under water, so the drain hole must be above the level of installation of the pump.

fountain at the cottage

Selecting and installing the


Usually for such small fountains, submersible pumps are used. Which pump to choose depends on the "quality" of the water supply in the area. It is necessary to be guided by that pressure which is constantly present in a pipe, and also on differences of this pressure. Such things often occur on sites that are connected to a common water supply system. Therefore, you need to consult the seller in the store. The pump does not need to take too much power, since its cost is higher, but at full capacity it will still not work.

The bottom under the pump is laid on the bottom of the tank. Depending on which cup is chosen( above was told about the variants of the tanks), such is the basis. The main thing is that the pump should be level and not fall during operation. If desired, he disguises himself, and there is a lot of material about the methods of such disguise on the Internet.

Japanese fountain

The choice of automation for the fountain

Let's talk about this. Modern industry offers automation for fountains of different types and different price categories, the choice is large enough. The automation of even the most simple fountain should provide engine shutdown during overloads, with the loss of water in the water pipe. If different modes of operation of the pump are provided, then the electronics must also switch over them. There are also various sensors( wind speed, for example).You can also put a device with a circuit that provides switching modes of the backlight.

It is necessary to monitor the quality of water that remains in the reservoir. If necessary, it is necessary to clean the tank itself. At its bottom, over time, settling dust accumulates, which will "clog" both the pump and the pipes.

We need to take care of both the exterior design and the decoration of the fountain. It should have an attractive appearance from all sides. In the end, at the end of all the hassle you will have a wonderful corner where you can meditate rest, enjoying peace.

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